Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 9. January 2024, 12:34 by Abdul the Killer)

SHADING: Cells containing values exactly one greater than an immediate neighbour (diagonal or orthogonal) within their box should be shaded, and otherwise should be unshaded.

ERRORS: Some cells that shouldn't be shaded, are. And some that should be shaded, aren't.

YINYANG: The cells that are incorrectly shaded form a single orthogonally connected region, as do the correctly shaded cells.

No 2x2 region of shading is wholly correct or incorrect.

The YINYANG pattern has left-right symmetry, so for example, if cell(row 2, col 3) is correctly shaded, then so is cell(row 2, col 7).

Otherwise, standard Sudoku rules apply.

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 3

Last changed on -

Solved by kublai, Briks, bansalsaab, Abbott Abbott, Azumagao, Starlight, MonsieurTRISTE, Tamuha, StephenEsven, IAlreadyHaveAKey, ozgaz, jkuo7, starelev5, pms_headache, ashisstuff, Asphodel, PippoForte, TaeChi, GoogleEnPassant, zlotnleo, Cloudly, SKORP17, ChinStrap, Brodie2000, zrbakhtiar, Luaryo, WarriorKitten, liushong, Shuhua Milk, michalil, Schnugs
Full list


on 11. September 2024, 18:51 by Shuhua Milk
This one was hard (mainly because I misread the rules)!

Last changed on 20. March 2024, 11:48

on 16. March 2024, 19:27 by ChinStrap
This one was amazing! Really wrings every drop of logic out of your shading rule.
---I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the kind comment and the solve.---ATK

on 18. January 2024, 17:55 by Abdul the Killer
Somewhat belatedly let me say thanks to ozgaz, IAlreadyHaveAKey, AbbottAbbott and bansalsaab for your generous comments which are always appreciated.

on 11. January 2024, 09:27 by ozgaz
This was really lovely ATK. I got the break in quickly but then had to try a number of times to get to the end. All that double negative thinking meant it was easy to make an error. But if you are careful every step is completely logical. I enjoyed the challenge.

on 11. January 2024, 02:48 by IAlreadyHaveAKey
I found this quite charming - took me quite a while to break into it but once I did the solve path was quite satisfying!

on 9. January 2024, 23:53 by Abbott Abbott
What a delightful new (?) rule! I usually find yin and yang to be very spooky but it was a pleasant experience.

on 9. January 2024, 22:44 by bansalsaab
Amazing concept. Plays with your existing mindset.

Last changed on 9. January 2024, 21:56

on 9. January 2024, 17:08 by kublai
A real mindbender! Nice.

---Thanks for saying, I'm glad you enoyed it.---ATK

Last changed on 9. January 2024, 21:53

on 9. January 2024, 16:03 by Tamuha
Yes, your cell can have 1 of 4 states:
unshaded and correct: counts as unshaded for shading and correct for yingyang
shaded and correct: counts as shaded for shading and correct for yingyang
unshaded and wrong: counts as shaded for shading and incorrect for yingyang
shaded and wrong: counts as unshaded for shading and incorrect for yingyang

---Thanks Tamuha. ---ATK

Last changed on 9. January 2024, 21:52

on 9. January 2024, 14:44 by Bankey
A cell that should have been shaded but is not, counts as "incorrectly shaded" for the purpose of the yinyang logic ?

- Thanks for your reply.

---Yes, it's exactly as Tamuha said above. ---ATK

Rating:93 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:11 times

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