Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

⛰ Hiking-through-the-Fog Loop ⛰

(Published on 6. January 2024, 07:15 by ElChiglia)

While the weather forecast predicts foggy conditions throughout the day, a Dutch hiker on his vacation in the Austrian Alps decides to climb a nearby mountain. Help the hiker navigate through the fog. The hiker starts at his car parked on the marked parking place and must return to his car after the hike. During his journey, the hiker sings Dutch hiking songs. Along the path, signposts help the hiker to stay on track, which must all be visited to not get lost. After passing over the summit, the hiker walks to the nearest station and takes a cable car down to the base of the mountain, before returning to his car.

---- RULES ----

Normal Sudoku rules apply: Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

Fog of War: The grid is partially covered by fog. When a correct digit is placed, the fog will be lifted from the surrounding cells.

Hiking loop: Draw a single 1-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells into the grid that enters no cell more than once. The loop starts at the marked parking spot, passes by all signposts and crosses the mountain top. Until reaching the summit, the loop can never move down, only left, right, or up. On the way down, the loop must run along the cable car line.

Dutch Whispers Line: The loop segment from the bottom cable car station via the parking spot, the signposts and the summit to the upper cable car station must be a valid Dutch Whispers Line. Adjacent digits along the loop must differ by at least 4.

Cable car: Digits along the grey cable car line, connecting the two stations (illustrated as houses), must have alternating polarity, oscillating between low (1234) and high (6789).

Signposts: Cells with a signpost, illustrated by arrows, must be visited by the loop and the arrow points towards the next cell on it.

Kropki dots: Cells connected by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Digits in cells connected by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio.

X-clues: Cells connected with an X must sum to 10.

---- LINKS ----

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This Sudoku is part of my series of "build-your-own-loop Sudokus". If you liked solving this puzzle or if you prefer other combinations of loop logic and constraints, feel free to give the other sudokus of the series a go too:

Loop Logic Loop Constraint Further Constraints
Counting Cells Entropic Line Zipper Lines
the-Fog Loop
Signposts Dutch Whisper,
Polarity Line
Kropki Dots
Renbanimo Loop Pentominos
Guiding Cells
Renbanimos Kropki Dots
Odd cells
Deceiving Loop Wrogn Clues Wrogn Clues 9 different
Whispers Loop
Counting Cells German Whispers Kropki Dot
Line-sums German Whispers Kropki Dots
Road Running
Road Runner Parity Line Kropki Dots
Modifying Loop
- Incrementers,
Magic Squares,
Killer cages,
Kropki Dots
Skiing Loop Gates German Whispers Kropki Dot,
Between Lines
Behaving Loop 3x3 boxes Polarity Line Kropki Dots
Magical Loop Guiding cells Modular Line Magic Squares
Foggy Loop Guiding cells Parity Line Fog of War,
Killer Cages
10-Suȵ Loop Moon-or-Sun 10-Line Killer Cages
Counting Loop Galaxies Counting Line Killer Cages,
Kropki Dots,
Quadruple Clues
Shining Loop Moon-or-Sun Parity Line Killer Cages
Interfering Loops Slitherlink
+ Masyu
Entropic Line
+ Parity Line
Killer Cages
Slithering Loop Slitherlink Entropic Line Killer Cages,
Little Killer
BigBang Loop Galaxies Parity Line Row/Column Indexer,
Kropki Dots
Summing Loop Star Battle Region Sum Line Killer Cages,
Kropki Dots
Whispering Loop Star Battle German Whispers Sandwich Sum

Solution code: Column 8, followed by row 8

Last changed on on 19. January 2024, 17:23

Solved by jalebc, saskia-daniela, Jagga, Notlob, SKORP17, efnenu, ole-1995a, lutzreimer, najho, Cheetos, logik66, cornuto, Bootenks, IAM3, pippilotta, DevonTheBroXD, Raistlen, nunc, Rearden, Sanger54, ... x3y2z1, virus_dave, BeeBoi, EFlatMinor, appletrapezoid, SashaBu, Fenn, benjaminc247, naggy, dholden, Neb, Onyx, Virux, Christovaneeden, PippoForte, tdeo, Possum, AsgarArn, belnovic, tweak42
Full list


Last changed on 19. January 2024, 18:32

on 18. January 2024, 01:13 by Deino42
Can the loop move down between the lower cable car and the parking spot?
Hi. In principle yes. Whether or not this will be needed though should become apparent during the solve.
- ElChiglia

Last changed on 7. January 2024, 12:06

on 6. January 2024, 18:07 by lordovol
I am a little confused. Does the Dutch line starts at the parking spot or at the first sign?
Hi, most of the loop, with the exception of the cable car line, is a Dutch Whispers line. So there is a Dutch Whispers Line running through the parking spot which comes from the lower cable car station and which will continue via the signposts to the summit and the upper cable car station.
-- ElChiglia

Rating:87 %
Solved:96 times
Observed:7 times

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