Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Temperamental Serenity

(Published on 4. January 2024, 06:34 by meggen033)

Solve with CTC, f-puzzles or Penpa+

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits in a cage must sum to the number in its top left corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

Happy Solving and God Bless!!!

Solution code: Enter Row 7 Digits

Solved by Briks, dskaff, flaemmchen, jalebc, Chelo, Zandi, BlackWolf, pepe74287, sujoyku, SKORP17, peterkp, pms_headache, AvonD, Grothenlace, nyxie, Playmaker6174, lmdemasi, dipiz, lianarox, gige, noodlehead, ... dennischen, PinkNickels, Just me, Ploctypus, Julianl, Megalobrainiac, glum_hippo, PippoForte, ManuH, Jodelbanane, NEWS, HighEagle, forsen, Swiddow, lovely, mccuskp, dendrobium, Sus, tiredsudoku
Full list


on 29. January 2024, 19:28 by Nordy
Great puzzle!!

on 19. January 2024, 16:12 by sdholmes
Wow awesome puzzle! I have to say I got quite stuck in the middle there for quite some time until I finally saw how to proceed. What a reward when it all fell apart afterwards! What a fabulous puzzle!

Last changed on 4. January 2024, 16:57

on 4. January 2024, 14:36 by sujoyku
Thank you for this amazing puzzle, meggen033! Although I had the right intuition what break-in to look for, it took me quite some time to execute it. Therefore, the puzzle felt a lot harder than 2/5. But the challenge was very enjoyable and it seemed like everything was magically falling into place once I got going. (I think the title suits the puzzle very well.) Thank you for setting and sharing!


I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle and thank you for your kind feedback. I always struggle with rating the difficulty of puzzles. I was back and forth with this one. I feel like the time required to find the break in leans more toward a 3 star, but the skill level required to do so more on the 2 star level.

Thank you for your reply, meggen033! I think I understand your reasoning. For me it is always difficult to judge the difficulty of my own puzzles. Probably, the main problem is that knowing a solution always makes it look easier than it is. Anyways, please do not take my previous comment as criticism whatsoever. Although I rated the difficulty higher than you did, I deeply enjoyed solving the puzzle and would recommend it to everybody else.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Rating:97 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:9 times

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