Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The 4 Tools and some Thermos

(Published on 1. January 2024, 13:05 by NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Any two cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

Digits on thermos must increase from the bulb.


The Tools

Palindrome = Digits must read the same from both directions of the grey line

Cage = Digits cannot repeat inside the cage

Arrow = Digits on arrow must sum to the digit in the arrows circle

Between Line = Digits along the line must be between the circles of the line

All 4 tools have the same sum (counting all the cells of the tool combined)


Note the thermos are not tools

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle


Feel free to recommend this puzzle to anyone.

Feel free to take special rules for your own puzzle.

Feel free to give feedback.

Bless you!


Solution code: give digits of row 2 and 3

Last changed on on 5. June 2024, 21:19

Solved by jalebc, SKORP17, PinkNickels, Ryzen, Isfan, pms_headache, annnz, MaxSmartable, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, snowyegret
Full list


on 5. June 2024, 21:19 by NurglesGift
changed description

on 2. June 2024, 11:30 by NurglesGift
added link

on 12. February 2024, 21:08 by Isfan
Good puzzle, got tripped up at first when I didn't notice Thermometers are not one of the tools that share the same sum.

on 26. January 2024, 22:04 by NurglesGift
change description

on 5. January 2024, 17:17 by NurglesGift
thank you, not to bad :)

on 2. January 2024, 02:50 by PinkNickels
Quite tricky. very nice. took me nearly 45 minutes to solve.

Solved:11 times
Observed:10 times

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