Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 31. December 2023, 21:58 by LeaVulpina)


NOTE: All my puzzles may be used by streamers/sudoku-tubers; gimme a buzz on Discord if you do! :-)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in killer cages may not repeat, and must sum to the given total.

Identical digits may not be a chess-knight's-move apart.

Adjacent digits must not sum to 5 or 10.

Digits joined by a white dot must be consecutive. Digits joined by a black dot must be in a 2:1 ratio.

Solution code: Row 5

Solved by Notlob, PinkNickels, Virux, anyeyeball, apendleton, Grothenlace, NRB, Zacbelle, dennischen, noodlehead, jalebc, Grendpeppy, nyxie, mezkur7, RickiFerrara, saskia-daniela, eriks5, achim-t, pepe74287, ... sujoyku, Lenivaya_Joppa, Uhu, timww572, DanSkorne, Ryaffio, rhodri, PippoForte, benny, loigor4, renegade_duck, augsod, asii, sgerstenberger, mietepiet, areigner, Villse, simontherry, MorsBe
Full list


on 30. August 2024, 22:17 by areigner
Messed something up with the colors resulting in having a final 73 next to each other. Figured it was way too symmetric to not be the correct structure so i spent a minute swapping all the 8s for 6s and 7s for 9s...etc until it worked

on 31. March 2024, 00:44 by Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this very interesting puzzle, dear LeaVulpina! :)

on 28. March 2024, 12:22 by sujoyku
Thank you for this beautiful anti-knight/anti-XV-puzzle, Lea! Colouring was huge fun.

on 26. January 2024, 17:28 by Fisherman
I read the comments before starting, so I was ready with a pallette of 18 colours. I used 17. Very creative on the part of the setter.

Last changed on 6. January 2024, 19:11

on 5. January 2024, 06:11 by KyleBaran
Missed the XV rule and was quite baffled for a while. Good puzzle

Response from Lea: Thanks a lot!

on 4. January 2024, 00:16 by chain.reader

Last changed on 6. January 2024, 19:11

on 1. January 2024, 01:24 by Zacbelle
If you like colouring this is the puzzle for you! Very enjoyable, highly recommend. Can't believe I got it first time, very satisfying :)

Response from Lea: Fully coloured puzzles ftw. Thanks for the solve!

Last changed on 6. January 2024, 19:09

on 1. January 2024, 00:53 by NRB
Loved this, interesting throughout, but an understandable solve path…. Struggled at the end with my colours and letters, but got it correct first time.

Response from Lea: Thanks for solving and the kind words!

Last changed on 6. January 2024, 19:04

on 1. January 2024, 00:06 by anyeyeball
Excellent puzzle and a lot of fun. Thanks for a New Year's Eve treat!

Response from Lea: Thanks so much! Hope you had a great new year. :)

Last changed on 6. January 2024, 18:53

on 31. December 2023, 23:48 by Virux
Nice puzzle. Found it a bit challenging. But very satisfying finish when everything falls into place.

Response from Lea: Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for solving.

Last changed on 6. January 2024, 18:51

on 31. December 2023, 23:33 by PinkNickels
really, really enjoyable. took just under 20 minutes, so i think 2* is a perfect rating. perhaps on the upper end of 2*. thanks for sharing and happy new year to you

Response from Lea: Thanks for solving! Hope your new year is going great. :)

Rating:96 %
Solved:124 times
Observed:11 times

Standard puzzle

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