Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

81cells vs 13dots vs. 16dots

(Published on 28. December 2023, 12:00 by kierownik)


  • Normal 9x9 sudoku rules apply:
    In every row, column and in every 3x3 box the digits from 1 to 9 have to appear atleast once.
  • Difference Kropki:
    Cells with a white kropki between them are consecutive.
  • Ratio kropki:
    Cells with a black kropki between them are in a ratio of 1 to 2. Wich means you have the following posibilities, 1-2, 2-4, 4-8 and 3-6.

Play the puzzle here online:

Sirxemic’s Sudokumaker

Sven's Sudokupad

Solution code: Row 3 and 7. Left to right.

Last changed on on 28. December 2023, 16:16

Solved by Guillem98, kkli, DarrenBurnett, jalebc, DedaKosta, lmdemasi, ffricke, seeppp, ludvigr04, ark29, saskia-daniela, pepe74287, GeorgeTheToad2, SKORP17, Rollo, anyeyeball, Flycatcher, keesh, keenbowl, ... Raistlen, lordtom, Kekes, BlackApolloX, chanelaw, zhergan, teuthida, Carolin, Roberto, Natka23, iyork, Martini&Toto, Uhu, ManuH, forsen, timww572, PippoForte, latters176, abadx, lutzreimer
Full list


on 6. January 2024, 00:38 by kierownik
Thanks for the kind words

on 6. January 2024, 00:10 by Tingo
This was a lot of fun for a kropki! Thanks for setting and sharing!

on 28. December 2023, 16:16 by kierownik
Not beginners label

on 28. December 2023, 14:52 by ark29
Agree with Rollo. Definitely didn't feel like a beginner puzzle

on 28. December 2023, 13:43 by Rollo
This is not a puzzle for beginners.

Rating:82 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:10 times

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