Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 26. December 2023, 11:43 by IcyFruit)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Divide the grid into rectangular regions which do not overlap. Each region must include exactly two circled cells, and the digits in those cells indicate the width and height of that region (in either order).

Digits on a line must have a value between the digits in the two attached circles.

Play online (Sudoku Pad)

Solution code: Columns 5 and 8

Last changed on on 26. December 2023, 13:45

Solved by DJModulo, SparkNights, mihel111, september, h5663454, sanabas, zzw, ancarro, halakani, SamuPiano, AvonD, OhHeyGuysItsMax, TrollErgoSum, Twan2797, bansalsaab, flyjim, by81996672, actiondirecte, ... SirJefferE, trace_tomorrow, Nell Gwyn, arauwer, nunc, Shape, Chrisccx, H-K, SudokuHero, dpatti, SrHenry_, Red Raven, KappuChinooo, PippoForte, P12345, cyddrdrd, NemoBlub, joelth, fthompson
Full list


on 29. March 2024, 05:33 by trace_tomorrow
The break in was challenging for me, but once it got going, wow what a puzzle! Very clever flow.

on 27. December 2023, 21:13 by wand
thrown off for a bit when I thought "oh wow, r2c4 is just on the line, not an endpoint" maybe the translucency of the circles threw me off?

once I got that thought out of my head, it was smooth and good

on 27. December 2023, 16:30 by econtrout
Lovely puzzle with fun logic. Thx.

on 27. December 2023, 15:56 by madhupt
Beautiful puzzle! Very smooth once you get the hang of it. Thanks @IcyFruit for sharing.

Last changed on 27. December 2023, 05:11

on 27. December 2023, 05:11 by by81996672
Nice puzzle!

on 27. December 2023, 00:06 by Twan2797
Beautiful and not too difficult

on 26. December 2023, 13:56 by mihel111
Thanks, Icy Fruit. Very nice puzzle. 5* seems a bit overrated for me.
Well done anyway.
Mery christmas.

on 26. December 2023, 13:45 by IcyFruit
Sorry, fixed solution code description - apparently ampersands break it so I've changed it to a word.

Rating:96 %
Solved:122 times
Observed:13 times

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