Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Big Science

(Published on 26. December 2023, 12:34 by Abdul the Killer)

SHADING: Cells containing values exactly one greater than an immediate neighbour (diagonal or orthogonal) within their box are shaded. All the shaded cells are given.

Q: Q represents a fixed quadruple of digits, each of which must appear in one of the four cells surrounding each circle.

Otherwise standard Sudoku rules apply.

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on -

Solved by StefanSch, zorant, michalil, Tamuha, Abbott Abbott, ozgaz, nmmc123, dennischen, Chelo, anyeyeball, SKORP17, MartinR, Dentones, jhuijts, WarriorKitten, pms_headache, galium_odoratum, TaeChi, fuxia, karen_birgitta, atomvic, ChinStrap, Brodie2000, ryanprobably, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, paranoid, Carolin, Luaryo, chanelaw, liushong, timww572, Shuhua Milk, lovely, sandmoppe, Schnugs
Full list


on 3. September 2024, 17:02 by Shuhua Milk

Last changed on 20. March 2024, 11:33

on 17. March 2024, 14:48 by ChinStrap
So beautiful. The Q constraint made this so lovely yet different from your other ones.
---I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the solve and the comment. ---ATK

on 29. December 2023, 12:38 by Abdul the Killer
Thanks anyeyeball, Chelo and ozgaz for the kind comments (clearly ours is a minority opinion).

on 27. December 2023, 11:18 by anyeyeball
Excellent puzzle. About halfway through the puzzle, it dawned on me that should have taken advantage of the Q's much earlier! Thanks for setting such a great sudoku.

on 27. December 2023, 10:21 by Chelo
Very nice puzzle again, thank you ATK and have a nice Christmas!..

on 26. December 2023, 23:54 by ozgaz
Oh wow. Loved that. Such a different solve path from your usual ones. Q was a good idea for a different constraint. Thanks atk.

Rating:84 %
Solved:36 times
Observed:10 times

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