(Published on 22. December 2023, 22:17 by pieguy)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Neighboring digits along the blue line must differ by at least 2.
- Neighboring digits along the pink line must differ by at least 3.
- Neighboring digits along the orange line must differ by at least 4.
- Neighboring digits along the green line must differ by at least 5.
- Neighboring digits along the yellow line must differ by at least 6.
- Neighboring digits along the red line must differ by at least 7.
- Colorblind notice: the lines are specified in the rules in left-to-right, top-to-bottom reading order.
f-puzzles link:
CtC link:
Solution code: Row 5
Solved by StefanSch, SKORP17, MicroStudy, lidawer, seeppp, Iluvsodah, Notlob, AvonD, SeveNateNine, rameshsrivats, jalebc, Flycatcher, tuckerbucket, Grothenlace, by81996672, Geryyy, DedaKosta, Crul, cruiser721, ... SudokuHero, mew_rocks, samuel1997, sorryimLate, madhupt, OGRussHood, Lakritze, Illuminated, MrQubo, ChsSlyr9k, PippoForte, Leilalu222, Uhu, QuiltyAsCharged, michaal94, lovely, Saskia11, ZornsLemon
on 24. December 2023, 11:58 by DarrenBurnett
That's a great puzzle. I learned some new tricks from this.
on 24. December 2023, 01:18 by vorash00
I loved this, took some thinking but not overly difficult
suggestion: To help the colorblind just state that each lines difference is represented by both shape and colour. I realise this reason for the name of the puzzle
on 23. December 2023, 04:34 by rameshsrivats
Superb puzzle. Pleasure from start to finish. Thanks.