Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Trouble

(Published on 23. December 2023, 12:00 by kierownik)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply:
    In every row, column and in every 3x3 box the digits from 1 to 9 have to appear atleast once.
  • XV:
    Cells joined by an X or V must sum to 10 (X) or 5 (V).
    Not all X's or V's given.
  • Killer cages:
    Digits in cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner and cannot repeat.
  • Double arrows:
    The sum of the digits along a ‘double arrow’ line is equal to the sum of the digits in the circles at either end of the line.

Play the puzzle here:

Play in Sirxemic’s Sudokumaker or in Sven's Sudokupad.

Solution code: Row 3 and 7. Left to right.

Last changed on on 23. December 2023, 17:34

Solved by DedaKosta, m_busuttil, efnenu, jalebc, wilsig, pepe74287, Guillem98, 111chrisi, Wetuts, luisdcnt, ludvigr04, Jrosas, SKORP17, keenbowl, seeppp, Grothenlace, Kversten, hige, MarthaB, mezkur7, Schesam, ... ScienceNerd2240, flaemmchen, Kekes, BlackApolloX, zhergan, Natka23, teuthida, timww572, Roberto, Benji, josemadre, Uhu, forsen, chain.reader, KingIsulgard, PippoForte, MysticMan, Martini&Toto
Full list


on 13. April 2024, 01:09 by chain.reader
very nice!

on 25. December 2023, 00:31 by PinkNickels
very clever

Rating:88 %
Solved:74 times
Observed:12 times

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