Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. December 2023, 02:10 by cristophermoore)

Gather around the tree! Divide the green area into pentominoes, i.e. 5-cell cages. No two pentominoes have the same shape even when rotated or reflected. Digits may not repeat in a pentomino.

The tree has ornaments (dots) of several colors. If a pentomino contains a green dot, it is a Germanimo: adjacent pairs of digits inside it differ by at least 5. If it contains a red dot, it is a Renbanimo: it contains 5 consecutive digits.

Black, white, and silver dots show a boundary between two pentominoes. Black means their totals are in a 1:2 ratio. White means their totals differ by one. Silver means their totals are equal.

Digits increase upward in a candle (i.e. a thermometer). Oh—and normal Sudoku rules apply!

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 1 and then column 1

Last changed on on 6. January 2024, 07:32

Solved by Sprechta, Nylimb, Jagga, Cogsplay, KyubiBoy, purpl, brimmy, yttrio, peterkp, matzrh, Tangent, samuel1997, str, mnasti2, AvonD, Snookerfan, OGRussHood, itweb, Blobz, BHUNTER47, mew_rocks, SKORP17, ... fstilus, P12345, wand, PixelPlucker, madhupt, roscommon, SnazzyShark, Godrick, trashghost, Leilalu222, Duarte, toshii, JeffWajes, ascension, Uhu, redfoot, michaal94, Sewerin, PippoForte, Drewpacabra
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on 6. January 2024, 07:32 by cristophermoore
added that normal Sudoku rules apply :-)

on 24. December 2023, 16:32 by Blobz
Tricky, but very enjoyable. Nicely constructed puzzle!

on 22. December 2023, 16:25 by Snookerfan
Excellent! Thank you

on 19. December 2023, 03:36 by Nylimb
Very nice combination of rules! Thanks.

Rating:92 %
Solved:53 times
Observed:12 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Pentominoes

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