Solution code: Row 1
on 20. February 2025, 21:53 by MysticMan
Lovely puzzle!
on 21. October 2024, 21:12 by sujoyku
Gorgeous approachable puzzle! Thank you, arbitrary!
on 13. July 2024, 17:29 by wuc
I love challenging rules in an approachable puzzle. Very smooth. Great fun thx.
on 28. May 2024, 22:54 by zimmicks
57:13 - took forever to find the break in, smooth sailing after.
on 25. March 2024, 20:05 by DonQuichopp
Man, what a great puzzle. Took me a while to understand the rules, and then even longer to not make mistakes in applying them. Quick break-in and very nice flow all around the puzzle! Thanks!
on 12. January 2024, 01:03 by cascadeshiker
Very nice puzzle. I haven't seen this constraint before. It definitely deserves a wider audience. Thanks for the introduction!
on 31. December 2023, 17:08 by AdiBoneHead
I enjoyed this a lot. Thank you! It was fun discovering little nuggets of logic and watching them flow along the lines.
on 31. December 2023, 03:30 by okchill
This puzzle is so insanely underrated. What a blast!
on 22. December 2023, 21:12 by deadpanditto
I'll admit this one took me way too long to figure out the break in. Once I did, this was a very nice solve.
on 18. December 2023, 21:30 by EFlatMinor
Thanks for creating this nice introduction! I hadn't encountered the constraint before, but this did an excellent job of helping me understand it and see some different ways it can be used. It looked a bit overwhelming at first, but it all started making sense very quickly.
on 18. December 2023, 21:00 by Jorava
This was a new ruleset for me, and definitely a good introduction. Thanks!