Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Winding Path

(Published on 18. December 2023, 19:24 by arbitrary)

Consecutive sum line puzzles don't get many solves, so I decided to create an approachable version to encourage more people to give the constraint a try. If anyone enjoys this solve, they may wish to try other, more difficult, puzzles using this ruleset:


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Consecutive Sum Lines: Within each 3x3 box, the sum of digits along a contiguous line segment is consecutive with the sum along the red line segment in any box it directly connects to. If a line re-enters a box, each contiguous segment is a separate sum which may be different in value if permitted by other rules. For example, in box 9, the sum of [R8C7, R9C7, R9C8] and the value of R7C7 may be different but each differs from the value of R8C6 by exactly 1.
    i.e. Lines behave like region sum lines, but the sum increases or decreases by 1 whenever the line crosses into a box.

Below is a simple 4x4 example to illustrate the rule set.

F-Puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yqssy2hr
SudokuPad link: https://tinyurl.com/4x9b69fe

Solution code: Row 1

Solved by Smartacus, Jorava, Notlob, EFlatMinor, kublai, HenryG8421, FlashZange, kinki1681, ludvigr04, efnenu, two_halves1, Tritium, Kallor, AvonD, mjozska1985, abadx, brandon_bot, Dermerlin, seeppp, MartinR, ... CampbellAmoeba, UsernameDave, Elliott810, anthe95, widjo, sujoyku, Jensa, spirozh, toboed, varbrad, MetaceR, mogest, sandbo00, r0the, NemoBlub, bluebird, Overhead, jsxft, Aran-Fey, tgstar, MysticMan
Full list


on 20. February 2025, 21:53 by MysticMan
Lovely puzzle!

on 21. October 2024, 21:12 by sujoyku
Gorgeous approachable puzzle! Thank you, arbitrary!

on 13. July 2024, 17:29 by wuc
I love challenging rules in an approachable puzzle. Very smooth. Great fun thx.

Last changed on 28. May 2024, 22:55

on 28. May 2024, 22:54 by zimmicks
57:13 - took forever to find the break in, smooth sailing after.

Last changed on 25. March 2024, 20:06

on 25. March 2024, 20:05 by DonQuichopp
Man, what a great puzzle. Took me a while to understand the rules, and then even longer to not make mistakes in applying them. Quick break-in and very nice flow all around the puzzle! Thanks!

on 12. January 2024, 01:03 by cascadeshiker
Very nice puzzle. I haven't seen this constraint before. It definitely deserves a wider audience. Thanks for the introduction!

on 31. December 2023, 17:08 by AdiBoneHead
I enjoyed this a lot. Thank you! It was fun discovering little nuggets of logic and watching them flow along the lines.

on 31. December 2023, 03:30 by okchill
This puzzle is so insanely underrated. What a blast!

Last changed on 22. December 2023, 22:58

on 22. December 2023, 21:12 by deadpanditto
I'll admit this one took me way too long to figure out the break in. Once I did, this was a very nice solve.

on 18. December 2023, 21:30 by EFlatMinor
Thanks for creating this nice introduction! I hadn't encountered the constraint before, but this did an excellent job of helping me understand it and see some different ways it can be used. It looked a bit overwhelming at first, but it all started making sense very quickly.

on 18. December 2023, 21:00 by Jorava
This was a new ruleset for me, and definitely a good introduction. Thanks!

Rating:95 %
Solved:301 times
Observed:11 times

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