Fill the grid according to Fillomino rules: divide the grid into regions and place into each cell the size of its region. Two regions that share an edge must have sizes that differ by at least 3.
Additionally, the grid contains a deconstructed sudoku: there are nine 3x3 areas such that each area contains the digits 1-9 once each, and among the digits in those areas, no digit repeats in a row or column. (Note that the sudoku digits are also included in the fillomino regions.)
All 1s in the grid are given, and no number is higher than 10. (Use '0' to represent 10 for purposes of answer checking.)
Online solver: SudokuPad
Solution code: The fillominoes in the top and bottom rows, one digit per fillomino, with 10 represented as 0. (10-20 total digits.)
on 11. May 2024, 12:53 by GabeSzeto
Beautiful break-in and nice flow throughout the rest of the puzzle!! Thoroughly enjoyed this!
on 21. December 2023, 18:19 by wildbush7
Enjoyed it immensely! Didn't find any one deduction to be too difficult but lots of opportunities to make careless mistakes.
on 18. December 2023, 01:58 by Tilberg
Brutal one, but I couldn't put it aside, even after two aborted attempts ...
The start was beautiful.
on 17. December 2023, 01:09 by Jolly Rogers
Couldn't put this one down once I started, great puzzle, really challenging but always enjoyable. Thanks! :]
on 16. December 2023, 22:21 by DarthParadox
And in a fun bit of convergent evolution, also check out jsmirob's Fillominoku here!