Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Killer Sudoku

(Published on 15. December 2023, 21:57 by clover)

Fill the grid so that each row, column, and outlined 2x3 region contains the digits 1 through 9 once each, with some cells containing one-digit numbers and the rest containing two-digit numbers. No two-digit numbers repeat anywhere in the grid.

Killer: digits do not repeat within cages. Numbers in cages sum to the indicated total; a question mark in a total can stand for any digit and question marks are not necessarily all equal. A clue reading "even" indicates that the sum of the numbers in that cage is even.


Solution code: Row 1, left to right

Last changed on on 16. December 2023, 11:26

Solved by Vebby, abed hawila, samuel1997, ancarro, twobear, laky, Ood, Mr_tn, Gliperal, fjam, Jds2, cornish-john, Agent, Paletron, ManuH, bittersteel, Fool on Hill, Vodkilis, JohnWZA, peacherwu2, cdwg2000, Las4one, trivial171, Al Fresco, SXH, NEWS, yangduoxing, zzgsg, jinkela114514
Full list


on 23. October 2024, 14:56 by jinkela114514
In this link, you can place the tens digit and the ones digit in a cell separately.

on 28. January 2024, 14:28 by Al Fresco
Excellent puzzle :)

on 24. December 2023, 23:54 by peacherwu2
A masterpiece!

on 24. December 2023, 14:29 by JohnWZA
Thanks for this amazing puzzle and it is very beautiful and very difficult, and I had trouble pencil marking

on 23. December 2023, 17:12 by Fool on Hill
Awesome - solving while distracted, as usual, missed an option: got undistracted and found some clever stuff. Thanks for setting - great implementation of ruleset.

on 20. December 2023, 15:20 by Agent
Excellent puzzle with no shortage of cool arithmetic deductions!

on 16. December 2023, 19:26 by twobear
Very nice and smooth. Thank you!

on 16. December 2023, 13:45 by samuel1997
What an incredible ruleset and puzzle! Thank you Clover!

on 16. December 2023, 11:26 by clover
increased difficulty estimate

on 15. December 2023, 23:57 by Vebby
Very cool puzzle! Thanks clover :)

on 15. December 2023, 21:58 by clover
added link

Rating:100 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:7 times

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