Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Have one on me!! (Fog)

(Published on 10. December 2023, 11:30 by Flinty)

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.

All the 1s are given digits - That's good news right?
You will have to find them in the fog though, and where the 1s are hiding is particularly dense fog... eek!
Go on, try it with that foggy cell in 'Box 1' that I've teased you with!

Each region/box has a different local constraint, with the constraint fully contained within that 3x3 box, from the following typical Sudoku variants (detailed rules available below):

- Arrows
- German Whispers (Green)
- Killer Cages
- Kropki Dots
- Nabner Lines (Gold)
- Renban Lines (Purple)
- XV Clues
- Zipper Lines (Lavender)

== Constraint rules in detail are written below ==

Play CTC

Arrows: Digits along each branch of an arrow must sum to the value of the digit in the corresponding circle.

German Whispers (Green): Digits adjacent on a German Whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.

Killer Cages: Digits in a cage sum to the clue given in the top left corner. Digits cannot repeat within a cage.

Kropki Dots: Digits separated by white dots are consecutive in value. Digits separated by black dots have values in 2:1 ratio.

Nabner Lines (Gold): Digits on a Nabner line form sets of non-repeating digits where no digits can be consecutive with any other digit on the line.

Renban Lines (Purple): Digits on a Renban line consist of a set of consecutive numbers in any order, (and Renban lines do not branch!).

XV Clues: Digits joined by an X must sum to 10. Digits joined by a V must sum to 5.

Zipper Lines (Lavender): Pairs of digits an equal distance from the centre of a Zipper Line sum to the digit placed in the line's centre.

Solution code: All digits from Row 9.

Last changed on -

Solved by olliwright, seeppp, Notlob, efnenu, rameshsrivats, nunc, Elliott810, JustDoggy, jaxmetallic, Deivi55, m_busuttil, pepe74287, redgecko, flaemmchen, sayuri17, atlantiszx, AN_not_IO, LachyDachy, ... kipcool, Spooof, burgermason, antzervos, Mad-Tyas, Nicholas Roberts, anthe95, TagEule, MaciekZ, louie.lly, puzzledcoop, kapostolou, tolley, Fathir, achambers2010, NemoBlub, Baconator, bittchill, tez
Full list


on 19. October 2024, 16:47 by teeqi
Very approachable puzzle with a super fun ruleset!! Much enjoyed, thank you. :)

on 30. June 2024, 19:13 by wuc
Awesome. One of the most fun approachable fog puzzles i solved so far thx.

on 21. June 2024, 16:22 by maiaz
that was ridiculously good fun

Last changed on 1. January 2024, 01:05

on 1. January 2024, 01:04 by ave
It amazes me that others rank this one star only. It took me quite some time, especially box9 was a struggle.
Maybe I missed something, but I had to draw various possible line versions.
For a one star puzzle I'd expect it to be simpler.
Anyhow, it was fun! Thanks, Flinty!

on 16. December 2023, 21:02 by opatut
New fog logic, what is not to be loved about that? Very pretty logic!

on 13. December 2023, 02:29 by RussKozerski
Novice solver here. That was really enjoyable. Many times I thought I was about to hit a wall. But then some little inkling of a clue would shine out from the fog. Definitely not GAS for me -- actually feels more challenging than a 1-star -- but still somehow approachable and ultimately rewarding. Thank you.

on 12. December 2023, 06:53 by filz
That was fun, thank you!

Last changed on 11. December 2023, 23:36

on 11. December 2023, 23:36 by anyeyeball
Wonderful puzzle. I also thank you for the sample lines.

Last changed on 11. December 2023, 20:13

on 11. December 2023, 20:12 by gdc
Another great one by flinty. It had all my favorite line types in it, and german whispers :D Really creative how the partially dense fog was used. I've never seen that before.

on 11. December 2023, 19:48 by gdc
@asp1310 yes, that is what "dense fog" refers to.

on 11. December 2023, 17:35 by asp1310
When I entered the second '1', it did not light up the foggy cells except for itself...is this correct behaviour?

on 11. December 2023, 04:49 by Tingo
This was fun! Thanks for setting and sharing!

on 10. December 2023, 14:26 by Wuschel
Very nice and enjoyable! And big thanks to the sample lines you added in the top. It helps a lot for colorblind people like me, and the colors were also chosen well.

on 10. December 2023, 12:16 by nunc
Very beautiful, thanks a lot!

Rating:93 %
Solved:415 times
Observed:14 times

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