Fear [Fog, X-Sums, Ambiguous Pairs]
(Published on 2. December 2023, 18:05 by Malrog)
Dealing with uncertainty and fear is tough...how could a puzzle possibly help?
This is my first "Fog of War" puzzle, and I wanted to use the fog for something more than just directing the solve path. I hope I have achieved this, and I'd love to hear about your solving experience in the comments.
Normal sudoku rules apply. Placing correct digits will clear the fog from surrounding cells.
Grey diamonds separate two adjacent numbers that are either consecutive, or in a 1:2 ratio, or sum to 5, or sum to 10.
All numbers outside the grid are X-Sum clues. This number is the sum of the first X digits in the row or column, where X is the digit nearest the clue.
Solve on SudokuPad.
Solution code: The digits in column 4, top to bottom.
Solved by SKORP17, Maximum_Cubed, jalebc, keesh, KyubiBoy, Fool on Hill, Steven R, Oddlyeven, nunc, bloogercloge, CrippledLamp, efnenu, sayuri17, ole-1995a, tangobunni, arteful, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Xenonetix, ... Julianl, Ploctypus, imhesham, Raistlen, saskia-daniela, PrinnyDidi, Dreamy4Vada, halakani, Kekes, joelth, duckling, Thibaa, dholden, PippoForte, x3y2z1, SevenSplitRoad, tdeo, belnovic, BeeBoi
on 10. July 2024, 05:09 by SevenSplitRoad
Loved this puzzle, might be one of my favorites. A lot of logic that took me a long time to figure out, but I enjoyed every step. Thank you for sharing :]
on 4. December 2023, 14:08 by poundcayx
65:07 for me. very unique puzzle! not too difficult but a little tedious due to all the math involved.
Last changed on 4. December 2023, 00:58on 4. December 2023, 00:58 by BenTen
Very nice puzzle, plus I feel like I've just had a therapy session!
on 2. December 2023, 20:30 by Fool on Hill
A fine and interesting puzzle with some clear thinking required.
on 2. December 2023, 20:06 by bloogercloge
The break-in took a second for me because I had to figure out that I was responsible for placing the X-Sums myself, but after that, it was a wonderfully fun puzzle.
on 2. December 2023, 19:53 by Oddlyeven
Nice puzzle! I enjoyed the logic around the ambiguity of the diamond clues. It allowed for some surprising results!