Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Counting Up

(Published on 1. December 2023, 23:11 by breadthetech)

https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yltx9lqn You must place the digits 1 to 9 once each in each column, row, and 3x3 box. Digits a knight's move apart must not be the same.

Solution code: Row 6

Solved by vitaminz, Notlob, arteful, sujoyku, kierownik, jguer, RussKozerski, PinkNickels, SKORP17, hannahh, rares495, brandon_bot, Debba, MutatingPhoenix, drf93, zrbakhtiar, jalebc, jimblek, agueybana, ... adekiii, KingIsulgard, ThirdWiseMonkey, Mup, PippoForte, Drawoon, elpizw, johnreid, latters176, The Bard, permafrostyx, arangues, toboed, Supertaster, bereolosp, Benji, Jastucreudo, yasmim.nat
Full list


on 2. December 2023, 02:09 by rares495
Nice one. Thanks.

Rating:83 %
Solved:136 times
Observed:10 times

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