Normal sudoku rules apply.
Shade some cells such that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent, all unshaded cells form a single orthogonally connected region, and no 2x2 area is fully shaded or unshaded.
If a digit X appears in a shaded cell, it must appear in exactly X shaded cells.
Clues outside the grid give the sum of all digits in a contiguous set of unshaded cells in the row or column next to the clue. The set must be bounded on each side by either a shaded cell or the edge of the grid. Clues are not necessarily given in the same order that the sets appear in the grid. Each clue must refer to a different set of cells.
Colouring Examples
Outside Clue Example
Solution code: Row 3
on 28. March 2024, 03:46 by SirJefferE
Beautiful puzzle. Just spent 90 minutes on it and developed a series of stunning deductions that led to...Well, a completely impossible to solve grid. Think I'm going to restart and try again later.
Edit: Alright after letting this sit in my "in progress" list for a few months I finally got around to finishing it. Hooray!
on 19. February 2024, 17:18 by Vebby
Very cool and creative!
on 5. January 2024, 18:12 by twobear
Wow… awesome puzzle
on 28. December 2023, 05:18 by BloodbuzzCorio
This is an excellent puzzle - such a creative ruleset so elegantly applied. Having said that I did find it extremely difficult!
on 12. December 2023, 06:17 by Agent
Excellent puzzle!
on 6. December 2023, 19:13 by Snookerfan
Brilliant puzzle! Very hard to get the count of the shaded cells and then to get the numbers to fill those cells. I loved it. Thank you
on 5. December 2023, 18:01 by wand
very nice! the clues make for some tricky yet crunchy deductions, the break-in had an unexpected flow
on 5. December 2023, 15:33 by Xendari
it astounds me that you can continue to come up with such original & creative rulesets and also create such magnificent puzzles with them. hoping for many more :)
on 5. December 2023, 00:04 by Fool on Hill
Magnificent - intricately logical and, for me, very hard. It was a Sunday afternoon puzzle finished on Monday evening ... and what an interesting combination of rules.
on 4. December 2023, 13:19 by Playmaker6174
My god, what an idea for a puzzle and I don't really think that I surfed through this puzzle in the cleanest way possible, still I really appreciate your efforts of creating such high quality puzzles! :)
on 1. December 2023, 23:39 by Niverio
Very clean execution of a stellar idea.
on 1. December 2023, 23:36 by Myxo
Awesome puzzle!