This puzzle uses the nifty Remote Sums constraint invented by XeonRisq.
Streamers have permission to use this puzzle.
Solution code: Column 5
on 20. January 2024, 00:32 by Blobz
Cute puzzle. Tried it after seeing you recommend it during Scott's latest stream.
on 9. December 2023, 20:47 by Kafkapharnaum
I hadn't forgotten about that one -- thank you for recommending it, that was a lot of fun, and indeed a perfect introduction to Remote Sums (and what about that 'double' too hehe ;-) Well done settings this, this is grossly underrated!
on 28. November 2023, 08:47 by asp1310
When you "X cells away", does this mean including the cell itself which is caged? I.e. is r1c1 one cell away from r1c2 or two cells away?
Thanks, the adjacent cell is one cell away.
on 28. November 2023, 07:32 by ark29
Really enjoyed this puzzle. Great fun. First time I've tried remote sums, quite a nice intro. Broke it the first attempt, but managed to solve in about 20 minutes my second time around. I will certainly by trying some more remote sums soon
on 28. November 2023, 01:34 by NRB
Tricky. But enjoyable. Tricky mainly as I didn’t quite get the rule set. But once I got it and jumped in, the swimming was reasonably smooth with a few currents on the way. Then my favourite thing about handcrafted puzzles is that suddenly you think you have it you still have to work. It doesn’t just roll over and let you tickle its tummy. You need to convince it a little (but not alot)
on 28. November 2023, 00:00 by Snaques
This has to be a "me issue", but I just couldn't catch any flow with this one. The way I did it was more aking to a 3/5 puzzle than a 1/5.
All along the way I had to do multi-stepped deductions and especially once I got all whispers done it went really bad.
Would be interesting seeing someone do this on a YT video or something.
on 27. November 2023, 20:55 by XeonRisq
The intertwining logic between whisper and remote sums was delightful. Very nice construction and enjoyable flow to the puzzle. (also thanks for the shout out on the constraint)
on 27. November 2023, 20:55 by mathpesto
My first time solving a puzzle with remote sums, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
on 27. November 2023, 19:09 by dumediat
An excellent introduction to remote sums, thank you very much!