Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply
(white cells form the standard 6x6 layout).
Nabner Rules
Golden Lines form sets of non-repeating digits where no digits can be consecutive with any other digit on the line.
The 6 golden cells on the outside must contain different digits (exactly one each from 1 to 6); they are all included on Nabner Lines, and act as Skyscraper clues for that row/column.
Skyscraper Rules
Digits outside the grid are Skyscraper clues, and indicate the number of buildings that can be seen along that row or column starting from the clue, where each digit within the grid specifies the height of the building in that cell, and shorter buildings cannot be seen behind taller buildings.
Due to how I've used the software to construct the puzzle, there will be very small issues with the conflict checker (if used) and possibly the solution checker as well.
Solution code: The bottom row of the 6x6 puzzle. (6 digits)
on 1. April 2024, 19:49 by sorryimLate
This was very nice and smooth, but not too trivial. Thanks!