Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shifter Lines 104: Shift your foglights on

(Published on 26. November 2023, 10:45 by gUBBLOR)

The fourth Shifter Line puzzle in my series have arrived. This time in collaboration with EFlatMinor. If you enjoyed this, you are gonna love Find Your Way Through the Fog, definitely check that out! The previous and next puzzle in the series:
Shifter Lines 103: Shift to winter clothing, it's getting cold
Shifter Lines 105: Phistomefel? Who's that?!

All my series:
Equality Cages
EquaLite Cages
Shifter Lines
Shifter Dots

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.

Shifter lines: Adjacent digits within the same box on a shifter line share both parity (even/odd) AND polarity (low/high). Whenever the line enters a new box either the parity OR the polarity shifts, never both. Shifter lines can never have 5 on it. Digits may repeat on lines.

Kropki dots: A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are shown.

X: Adjacent cells connected with an X must sum to 10. Not all X's are shown.

Fog of war: The grid is covered in fog. Placing correct digits will clear the fog from the surrounding cells.

Solve here:

Video featuring the puzzle:
Sudoku Sleuth

Solution code: A completion message with the solution code will be available when the puzzle has been solved on Sudokupad!

Last changed on on 28. January 2025, 09:44

Solved by logik66, seeppp, Terrapin, NineK, lmdemasi, Martini , Guillem98, ark29, bbutrosghali, keesh, pookster, Wetuts, benny, jalebc, ludvigr04, vlin, 9Rookienumbers, LachyDachy, Odinvi00, BlackApolloX, ... TroublesomeOrca, NordenShield, anthe95, jon48, BabyfacedBard, IvoryLinnie, kapostolou, Spooof, NemoBlub, Aeneryss, achambers2010, Jastucreudo, antzervos, Baconator, puzzledcoop, strawberrycat
Full list


on 28. January 2025, 09:44 by gUBBLOR
Changed solution code

on 16. November 2024, 19:42 by NordenShield
A lovely fog of war with very clean path (and no red herrings). Thank you for setting this!

on 11. October 2024, 19:04 by burgermason
10:39, amazing sudoku

on 24. September 2024, 16:56 by h1dd3ntrip7e
Oh the FLOW of it all!

on 21. June 2024, 20:51 by cozoq
Lovely puzzle! I feel like it's closer to 2 star than 1

on 8. June 2024, 23:35 by maiaz
OMG ... so good!!

on 9. March 2024, 18:37 by gUBBLOR
Added links

on 8. February 2024, 07:32 by Ganbatte
I was stuck in the first box for a while and once I got out of that, it was smooth. Good level of challenge for me. Thanks!

on 17. January 2024, 23:47 by silent_rob
Great puzzle - really enjoyed it! I came across this a while ago but hadn't done any shifter lines puzzles yet so skipped it at the time. But after doing a few of your others I tried this and found it to be a really fun, smooth solve.

on 5. January 2024, 23:39 by lordovol
Shifter lines are great. Mindbending but great

on 3. January 2024, 08:42 by gUBBLOR
Added video link to the puzzle being solved

on 12. December 2023, 23:41 by gUBBLOR
Added some links

on 1. December 2023, 06:51 by filz
loved these brain bendy kind of lines! Thank you very much!

on 28. November 2023, 14:39 by kublai
I am so glad I came back to this one!
I thought I was missing something when I kept getting stuck. After the update to the update, this is really a lovely puzzle.

on 28. November 2023, 10:26 by ukjohnd
Phew, wondered why I was stalling out on a 1 star in boxes 4,5 & 6. Many thanks gUBBLOR for your great puzzles.

on 28. November 2023, 07:25 by gUBBLOR
While updating the rules yesterday some of the clues got lost from the puzzle. I've put them back in now, apologies to anyone who struggled because of it.

on 27. November 2023, 13:43 by gUBBLOR
Added fog of war to the ruleset

on 27. November 2023, 13:10 by WvdWest
Verry nice concept those shifter lines. Easy but nice solve this puzzle.

on 27. November 2023, 03:23 by RussKozerski
I also think it's a bit more challenging than a 1-star puzzle. But this novice solver still found it to be loads of fun. Thank you.

on 26. November 2023, 11:55 by bbutrosghali
Just missed my internal threshold for 1* difficulty (20 min) but as this was my first shifter line puzzle I'm still happy about it

on 26. November 2023, 11:35 by ark29
Fun! I was worried I was stuck on a deadly pattern towards the end but I realised what I was missing.

Rating:93 %
Solved:358 times
Observed:13 times

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