Sum Digits cannot repeat and sum to the given number.
Product Digits multiply together to equal the given number.
Look-and-Say The first digit of the clue indicates exactly how many times the second digit appears in the cage or on the diagonal.
Example. For a three cell 12 cage,
(7,1,4) is a valid sum,
(2,3,2) is a valid product,
(5,2,5) is a valid Look-and-Say fill,
However (2,3,7) and (6,1,2) are both invalid fills since they simultaneously satisfy two clue types.
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Solution code: Row 9
on 26. November 2023, 00:39 by OutOfMyMindBRB
What a masterpiece!
I nearly gave up after so many times i glossed over the right option, but it was just too good of a puzzle to give up on, and it was well worth it :-)
For me it was a 5*
on 25. November 2023, 23:17 by LeaVulpina
This is STUNNING. Serious contender for 'Best puzzle I've ever solved.'