Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

To The Point

(Published on 24. November 2023, 19:13 by arbitrary)

This is my latest puzzle exploring the pointer arrows constraint. This is probably 2-2.5 in difficulty. If anyone enjoys this solve, there are also easy and intermediate difficulty puzzles available using this constraint.

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Pointer arrows: Digits along arrows sum to the value in the connected circle. Additionally, arrow tips point towards a cell containing the digit within the arrow's circle. The value in the arrow tip indicates the distance from the arrow tip to this cell. There may be other instances of the same digit between this cell and the arrow tip.

Below is an example to illustrate the rule set.

F-Puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yrhr7t4z
SudokuPad link: https://tinyurl.com/yw3532xw

Solution code: Row 5

Solved by SKORP17, StefanSch, GeorgeTheToad2, aerenhart, anyeyeball, seeppp, DedaKosta, sleeper, DanishDynamite, Catalynz, jalebc, lmdemasi, Benji, rahu, frankpujo, asver, RebelSystem, Paletron, LehanLehan, ... AvonD, tuckerbucket, Brains, LeLoyJenkins, Tobias, valle1124, Martini , brimmy, Solved647, meowme, Illuminated, OhHeyGuysItsMax, aidan, by81996672, apendleton, PippoForte, Elliott810, FifthWorld
Full list


on 26. November 2023, 15:25 by Tobias
Blew my mind, awesome puzzle

on 25. November 2023, 13:34 by frankpujo
Truly a beatiful puzzle! Thanks!

on 24. November 2023, 22:47 by anyeyeball
I agree with @aerenhart in every way. This is a nice constraint that should last. Very fun puzzle. Thanks!

on 24. November 2023, 22:23 by aerenhart
I'm quite enjoying these pointer arrrows! They're way more fun than normal arrows, I ussually don't like those, but this extra constraint makes it more enjoyable for me. Thank you!

on 24. November 2023, 21:33 by GeorgeTheToad2
Very enjoyable half-an-hour of colouring. Thank you for sharing.

on 24. November 2023, 20:38 by StefanSch
Nice logic!

Rating:93 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:14 times

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