Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bad Thermburg (Battenburg thermo sudoku)

(Published on 15. November 2023, 22:53 by Qodec)

  • Sudoku: Each row, column, and region indicated by thick borders in the grid must contain the digits 1 to 9 once each.
  • Thermometers: Grey paths indicate thermometers. Digits in thermometers cannot repeat and increase moving away from the bulb.
  • Battenburg: Wherever 2 odd and 2 even digits form a 2x2 checkerboard pattern, a Battenburg marking is given. If there is no such marking, the above pattern is not allowed.

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Good luck!

Solution code: Row 9 and column 9. I.e. the 9 digits in row 9 from left to right, followed by the 9 digits in column 9 from top to bottom, for example: 123456789123456789

Solved by Niverio, Myxo, MicroStudy, Playmaker6174, Iluvsodah, Johannes Quack, Puzzle Weasel, OutOfMyMindBRB, tuturitu, zlotnleo, ryanprobably, tangobunni, nmmc123, topoi, Ambrose, amarins, stramosk, ... 999ARMEN999, k2u5as, Just me, lpq29743, joelth, me and the paws, cmigas, noodlehead, teddiemercury, koiking, elloschmello, ignigomoreno, StephenR, vtable, augsod, KingIsulgard, Chefofdeath
Full list


on 31. March 2024, 07:28 by Willy Wonka
Great fun, thanks Qodec!

on 17. February 2024, 19:45 by Phistomefel
The Battenburg negative constraint is surprisingly strong. Very nice combination!

on 17. February 2024, 12:25 by sujoyku
Thank you for this beautiful puzzle, Qodec! The Battenburg constraint is very interesting. I have given 4/5 difficulty. But while being challenging the flow of logic felt so motivating that when I ever I got a little stuck I was sure to find another bit of logic that would allow me to move on. Thank you for setting and sharing!

on 19. December 2023, 14:03 by Crusader175
Very nice puzzle and cool interaction!

on 17. November 2023, 23:49 by Krokant
Haven't done a Battenburg puzzle for quite a while. This was fun. :)

on 17. November 2023, 21:31 by jubengo
Very cool puzzle ! Seems more like a 2 star puzzle to me, but really enjoyable nonetheless

on 17. November 2023, 19:40 by anyeyeball
Very fun puzzle to solve. I had never done a puzzle with a Battenburg parity constraint before. Thanks for sharing this!

on 17. November 2023, 16:12 by madhupt
The negative constraint works wonder in this extremely enjoyable puzzle. Thanks for sharing.

on 17. November 2023, 02:33 by mathpesto
What a fabulous ruleset! The negative constraint made for a very fun solve :)

on 16. November 2023, 16:09 by Barrels
Very nice puzzle - I really enjoyed it!

on 16. November 2023, 12:34 by Blashyrkh
Cool ruleset, with sudoku/thermo/parity logic all cleverly intertwined throughout the solve. Thanks for setting!

on 16. November 2023, 08:26 by fitzie
I think this is two stars. very enjoyable.

on 16. November 2023, 07:17 by EmpyClaw
I suspect if I had done this while I was more awake and alert I wouldn’t have missed so many straightforward deductions, haha! Great fun despite my foolishness. Thanks for setting!

on 16. November 2023, 03:57 by topoi
Cool constraints, interesting challenge.

on 15. November 2023, 23:56 by Playmaker6174
You couldn’t just proceed to battenburg the entire grid like that… that was such a cool puzzle :0

on 15. November 2023, 23:46 by Myxo
Beautiful puzzle!

on 15. November 2023, 23:46 by Niverio
Very nice use of the negative constraint!

Rating:96 %
Solved:184 times
Observed:15 times

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