Puzzle link: Play on CTC SudokuPad.
Rules: Normal Sudoku rules apply, i.e., place the numbers 1 to 9 once each into each row, column, and 3×3 box. A number in a cage indicates the sum over all digits that are orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to that cage but outside of it. Sums in two-cell cages are written in ordinary left-to-right notation with the tens digit in the left cell and the ones digit in the right cell. Grey cells contain square numbers.
Solution code: All digits of row 5 (from left to right) followed by column 7 (from top to bottom) without spaces.
on 17. April 2024, 11:56 by RebelSystem
A puzzle deserving many more solutions.
Thanks a lot, glad you liked it! Feel free to recommend further :-) T.B.
on 6. April 2024, 21:04 by SudokuHero
A breathtaking puzzle.