Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

10:01 AM

(Published on 10. November 2023, 00:30 by CaptZebraCakes)

Palindromes and 10-Lines. I'm excited to share this puzzle! Although tricky, I really like the logic throughout the solve. I hope you enjoy too. Thank you sujoyku for the test solve!

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits along a grey palindrome line must read the same forwards and backwards.

Each orange 10-line consists of contiguous groups of cells, each of which sums to 10. These groups of cells cannot overlap; every cell is part of exactly one group. Digits may repeat on a 10-line.

Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Not all dots are given.

Puzzle link

CTC app: https://tinyurl.com/49utfa79
f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ymeadnb4

Solution code: Row 1 (i.e. the nine digits in row 1 from left to right)

Solved by bansalsaab, oshitada, PippoForte, liushong, palpot, Dentones, sujoyku, StefanSch, jmbrow29, Sonki, mihel111, Bjd, Elliott810, Paletron, Ryzen, Elliptical, tuckerbucket, SKORP17, SSG, mezkur7, ... OGRussHood, mercierus, Tom-dz, pazqo, by81996672, karen_birgitta, lmdemasi, michaal94, Uhu, AvonD, quazarissimus, OhHeyGuysItsMax, lovely, SudokuHero, BlitzburghBrian, Krokant, Visumation
Full list


on 12. November 2023, 10:15 by tesseralis
Intricate in the best way possible.

on 12. November 2023, 00:27 by RubberMittens
Wonderful puzzle. Challenging break-in but smooth!

on 11. November 2023, 20:17 by Elliptical
The constraints combined together very smoothly

on 10. November 2023, 13:24 by sujoyku
Thank you for letting me test this amazing puzzle, CaptZebraCakes! I just solved it for a second time and I have to admit that I did not remember my entire solve path of the first time. But that only meant I could have the fun figuring it out for a second time. :)
The interaction of the ten lines and the palindromes is a true work of art. Superb setting!

Rating:96 %
Solved:63 times
Observed:11 times

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