Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the circle and may repeat if allowed by other rules. Digits may not repeat along the main indicated diagonal.
Additionally, each group of cells in the grid with the SAME BOX POSITION must be selected from a set of 3 DIGITS only!
Ex: the top left corner of each box of the grid could be selectable from the digits, 2,4 and 7 etc.
Solution code: Row 2
on 8. November 2023, 17:18 by TomMalufe
I found this to be a really easy puzzle to get my head around, but a little difficult to work out the actual answer. For example, I understood pretty quickly how the positive diagonal interacts with the 3 digits rule and was able to color the whole puzzle from that, but then sorting out which digits go to which color using the arrows took some doing. (I just kept narrowing it down by steps saying this color is bigger than that but smaller than that and let the list organize itself)
on 7. November 2023, 09:06 by fuxia
Amazing puzzle with a very satisfying finale. Thank you!
on 6. November 2023, 21:06 by fitzie
my solve is very colorful. I'm proud that I figured out a way to resolve the numbers at the end with a simple math trick using the *REDACTED* of a bunch of cells. not sure if that's intended.
on 6. November 2023, 17:53 by frankpujo
Lovely ruleset!!!
on 6. November 2023, 14:41 by BaumJames
Very nice and easy one. Definitely not 3 stars.
on 6. November 2023, 12:33 by Montikulum
I would concur with the former comment by apendleton - since you need to understand the break-in I would also rate this at least a 3 star difficulty, after that it sure flows easier. Anyway - I had lots of fun once I understood how this might be crackable ;o)
on 6. November 2023, 05:31 by sdholmes
Adjusted difficulty