Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hashikabe #02

(Published on 5. November 2023, 02:38 by Nell Gwyn)

This is my second Nurikabe-Hashiwokakero hybrid. I also made another 7x7 example puzzle.


  • Shade some cells (representing "water") such that:
    • The water cells form a single orthogonally-connected region, with no 2x2 areas entirely shaded.
    • Each orthogonally-connected group of unshaded cells (or "island") contains exactly two numeric clues (the two clues may occupy the same cell, indicated with a "~" between them), and one of those clues is the number of cells in that island.
    • All clues are part of islands.
  • The other clue in each island is the number of bridges connecting that island to other islands.
    • A bridge is a straight line from a cell on one island to a cell on another island, with only water cells in between. Bridges cannot change direction, cannot cross one another, and cannot start or end on the same cell as another bridge.
    • The bridges must join all the islands into a single network, such that you could travel from any island to any other island by crossing a series of bridges.
    • Each pair of islands has either 0, 1 or 2 bridges connecting it (this rule is not needed to solve this particular puzzle, but may be useful for a hint).

Penpa link (main puzzle)

Play the 7x7 example puzzle

Solution code: Fifth row, notated as follows: A = Island cell with a bridge, B = Island cell with no bridge, C = water cell with a bridge, D = water cell without a bridge (in the 7x7 example puzzle, the fifth row would be written as ACABBBC)

Solved by KNT, jkuo7, Christounet, Jesper, Mark Sweep, Agent, jessica6, Joe Average, CJK, Mr_tn, zzw, Grausbert, Piatato, szabog, rubbeng, misko, Niku, RubberMittens, Roezaea, Phistomefel, A_UserHere, yusuf17, Paletron, nottabird, MaizeGator
Full list


on 21. July 2024, 02:36 by MaizeGator
Really glad I found this series of Nurikabe hybrids, looking forward to graduating to lighthouses and battleships.

on 23. January 2024, 05:59 by Phistomefel
Very clever and fun puzzle! Thank you, Nell Gwyn!

on 22. January 2024, 02:45 by Roezaea
Incredible puzzle. Hope there's more to come.

on 12. November 2023, 23:49 by szabog
Very enjoyable puzzle. Thank you.

on 12. November 2023, 14:25 by Piatato

on 6. November 2023, 22:37 by zzw
Excellent puzzle! There's a great synergy between these puzzle types.

on 5. November 2023, 07:48 by Christounet
Very cool serie so far ! Interesting how they both start easy and become more challenging afterwards. Thanks.

on 5. November 2023, 04:57 by KNT
a great follow up puzzle!

Rating:97 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:3 times

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