Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Whole Bunch of Nonsense

(Published on 30. October 2023, 22:00 by Myxo)

This puzzle is inspired by zetamath's puzzles with a lot of different constraints in them. It was fun pushing the concept to the extreme by using each constraint only once. The puzzle ended up a lot harder than my Sudokus usually are, since the solution path is very narrow and complex at times. Enjoy!


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 exactly once in each row, column and box.

Standard rules apply for the following variants: Kropki Pairs, Thermometer (light grey), Renban Line (purple), Region Sum Line (light blue), German Whisper Line (green), Chinese Whisper Line (red), Modular Line (teal), Ten Line (dark grey), Arrow (brown), Nabner Line (gold), Between Line (pink), Entropic Line (beige), Lockout Line (dark blue).

Kropki Pairs: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of 2:1. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer strictly increase, starting from the bulb.

Renban Line: Digits on a Renban Line form a set of non-repeating, consecutive digits in any order.

Region Sum Line: Digits on a Region Sum Line must have the same sum in each box that the line passes through.

German Whisper Line: Adjacent digits on a German Whisper Line must differ by at least 5.

Chinese Whisper Line: Adjacent digits on a Chinese Whisper Line must differ by at most 2.

Modular Line: Three adjacent digits on a Modular Line must include one digit from [1,4,7], one digit from [2,5,8] and one digit from [3,6,9].

Ten Line: A Ten Line must be divided into one or more contiguous groups of cells that each sum to 10.

Arrow: Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the connected circle.

Nabner Line: Digits on a Nabner Line cannot repeat and must not include any pair of consecutive digits.

Between Line: Digits on a Between Line are strictly between the digits in its connected circles.

Entropic Line: Three adjacent digits on an Entropic Line must include one digit from [1,2,3], one digit from [4,5,6] and one digit from [7,8,9].

Lockout Line: Digits in the diamonds of a Lockout Line must differ by at least 4, and none of the digits along the line can be equal to or between the digits in the diamonds.

CtC-App - Colorblind-friendly version

Solution code: row 7

Solved by MicroStudy, Piatato, Leonard Hal, samuel1997, AvonD, palpot, Graffsworth, bansalsaab, sanabas, OutOfMyMindBRB, DadJokes, dennischen, antiknight, Prof.Dori, Megalobrainiac, Bjd, Snookerfan, ... Xendari, filuta, RubenHofsink, Vodkilis, Migu, Mikemerin, XIAOYING, Playmaker6174, Agent, billy49, Sewerin, Solved647, h5663454, PippoForte, shangchenxi123, Canyun, OuyangZheng, Chipmunk, zer0keefie
Full list


on 13. April 2024, 14:01 by Agent
Awesome puzzle, tricky and beautiful interactions!

on 3. April 2024, 12:59 by Playmaker6174
Definitely the most intricate and rewarding sudoku I've solved from you so far x)
The opening took me quite a while to understand the intricacy and surprising interactions, then it came multiple small sessions that were also very well done too! (also box 6 also took me quite a while to get the breakthrough)

on 7. November 2023, 21:19 by Yann
Mindblowing, from the break-in, to the ending (and the design as well), thanks (and congrats) on setting this, every clue leads to the next !

on 3. November 2023, 13:07 by lerroyy
I really liked the break in!

on 1. November 2023, 20:33 by Niverio
Wow, that was absolutely bonkers at places. Thanks a lot for this!

on 1. November 2023, 15:32 by mihel111
Deserves a show. Nothing more to say.

on 1. November 2023, 05:54 by Netra
Just Amazing. I always thought sudoku with fewer rules have cleaner and therefore better logic, but this totally changed my mind!

The interaction of the first three rows is quite smooth, and block 6 hides its sweet secret well!

on 31. October 2023, 14:07 by RebelSystem
Most excellent. I thought I'd gone wrong and gave up. Then came back to it and eventually realised I'd made a daft assumption about one of the lines which made the right hand section impossible. Apart from kicking myself that was a joy to solve from beginning to end.

on 31. October 2023, 08:48 by Prof.Dori
One of the best puzzles I ever solved. Truly astonishing break in and middle part also was great. And ending was good as well even though I struggled because I was blind to see an easy step. Just wonderful.

Last changed on 31. October 2023, 08:05

on 31. October 2023, 08:04 by antiknight
Although the ending was a bit messy, but I've really enjoyed the break-in and that amazing white dot in B2! Good puzzle !

on 31. October 2023, 05:05 by DadJokes
Nice puzzle. Lovely interactions throughout!

on 31. October 2023, 04:31 by sanabas
Incredible puzzle. Almost 4 excellent puzzles in 1, with each section being distinctly different.

on 31. October 2023, 00:42 by samuel1997
Brilliant puzzle!

on 30. October 2023, 23:58 by Piatato
Indeed quite tough, although always clean and beautiful!

on 30. October 2023, 22:12 by MicroStudy
Splendid Piece of Art, Really. Kudos! Possibly the most Line types Used in one Grid, but all cleverly placed.

Rating:97 %
Solved:65 times
Observed:11 times

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