(Published on 29. October 2023, 18:36 by Nell Gwyn)
This is a hybrid of Nurikabe and Hashiwokakero.
- Shade some cells (representing "water") such that:
- The water cells form a single orthogonally-connected region, with no 2x2 areas entirely shaded.
- Each orthogonally-connected group of unshaded cells (or "island") contains exactly two numeric clues (the two clues may occupy the same cell, indicated with a "~" between them), and one of those clues is the number of cells in that island.
- All clues are part of islands.
- The other clue in each island is the number of bridges connecting that island to other islands.
- A bridge is a straight line from a cell on one island to a cell on another island, with only water cells in between. Bridges cannot change direction, cannot cross one another, and cannot start or end on the same cell as another bridge.
- The bridges must join all the islands into a single network, such that you could travel from any island to any other island by crossing a series of bridges.
- Each pair of islands has either 0, 1 or 2 bridges connecting it. An island may have bridges to any number of different islands.
Penpa link (main puzzle)
Play the 7x7 example puzzle
Solution code: Row 4, notated as follows: A = Island cell with a bridge, B = Island cell with no bridge, C = water cell with a bridge, D = water cell without a bridge (in the 7x7 example puzzle, row 4 would be written as CDACABB)
Solved by Snookerfan, RJBlarmo, ONeill, jkuo7, Dandelo, Jesper, Mr_tn, Mark Sweep, bernhard, KNT, puzzler05, hieutc, Piatato, 33554432, Christounet, Joe Average, jessica6, CJK, Grausbert, rubbeng, misko, Niku, RubberMittens, KyubiBoy, Roezaea, Paletron, yusuf17, Torvelo, nottabird, mathpesto, MaizeGator, OGRussHood
on 21. July 2024, 01:08 by MaizeGator
I really liked how the first steps were easily visible, then the difficulty kicks in once the solver has acclimated to the rules. Loved this one!
on 22. January 2024, 02:10 by Roezaea
Incredible puzzle. Thank you for setting, hope you'll create more!
on 4. December 2023, 10:42 by Niku
I am amazed by how good this set of rules works. One of the most enjoyable solves I have ever done. Thank you very much!
on 4. November 2023, 22:24 by Christounet
Super enjoyable connectivity puzzle ! Thanks.
on 1. November 2023, 04:43 by KNT
really enjoyed that ruleset, thanks! And not too difficult I think.
on 30. October 2023, 08:16 by Dandelo
If someone is interested, here are some puzzles with a similar ruleset:
on 29. October 2023, 20:25 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle with an excellent combination of two nice rulesets. Thank you