Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Green Fingers

(Published on 26. October 2023, 21:16 by arbitrary)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
German whispers: Neighbouring digits along green lines are separated in value by at least 5.
AntiKnight: Digits separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot be the same value.
F-Puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yo38bkuy
SudokuPad link: https://tinyurl.com/bdey7ez6

Solution code: Row 8

Solved by SKORP17, idanz, by81996672, Bjd, SeveNateNine, cdwg2000, jimblek, PinkNickels, Megalobrainiac, AvonD, AN_not_IO, karen_birgitta, 99jau99, Catalynz, lovely, PippoForte, noodlehead, apendleton, Elliott810
Full list


on 28. October 2023, 03:01 by PinkNickels
This is an instant classic. Definitely deserves more than 7 solves. People are missing out!

Rating:89 %
Solved:19 times
Observed:8 times

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