Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Seven Seven By Seven

(Published on 19. October 2023, 00:23 by KusaneHexaku)

Each of the seven 7x7 grids are one of the following puzzle types:

Akari : Place light bulbs in some unshaded cells, such that every unshaded cells is lighted by a bulb, and no two lightbulb light each other. Lightbulbs shoot a ray of light in all four direction until it hits either the border of the grid, or a shaded cell. Clue cells indicates the number of bulbs in the four orthogonally adjacent cells. All clue cells are shaded.

Choco Banana : Shade some cells in the grid to form regions of shaded and unshaded cells, such that every shaded region is rectangular, and every unshaded region is NOT rectangular. Squares are rectangles too. If a region contains a number, the size of that region must equal that number. Regions may contain multiple copies of the same number, or no number at all.

Fillomino : Divide the grid into regions, such that no two regions of the same size shares an edge. If a region contains a clue number, the size of the region must equal that number. Regions may contain multiple copies of the same number, or no number at all.

Minesweeper : Place mines into some non-clue cells. Clue cells indicate the number of mines within the 8 neighbouring cells (orthogonally and diagonally adjacent).

Nurikabe : Shade some non-clue cells to form unshaded regions, such that every region contains exactly one number, which equals to the size of that region, and the shaded cells form a big region. There may not be any 2x2 block of shaded cells.

Shikaku : Divide the grid into rectangular regions, such that every region contains exactly one clue cell, which equals to the size of that region.

Slitherlink : Draw a singular loop along the edge of the cells that does not branch off or cross itself. Clue cells indicate how many of its four borders is part of the loop.

Identify which grid is supposed to be which genre, then solve them.

Solve on Penpa+

Some notes about using the Penpa+ solving interface:
For Akari and Minesweeper
- Use the respective tool under the Compostite/Object menu

For Fillomino, Shikaku, and Slitherlink
- Use the green Edge
- The outside edge of the Fillomino and Shikaku grids must be drawn in for the answer checker to trigger.

For Choco Banana and Nurikabe
- Use one of the grays under Surface.

Solution code: Please type in the number each of highlighted Question Mark cells would be, in the indicated order.

Last changed on on 5. February 2024, 00:10

Solved by jkuo7, Dandelo, GTLSE, Pingu, CHalb, Zzzyxas, Jesper, jessica6, KNT, saskia-daniela, Mark Sweep, shedarshian, puzzler05, roscommon, Raistlen, Leonardo024, dlnnlsn, sth, Yuzu, Uhu, ffricke, Einitsu, moss, TJReds, geswat, MaNCS, misko, webato, 85392, chrisbee2, FalseIsNotTrue, sealsinthesoup, Someguy77, Tajgero, MrQubo, PaganiusI, h5663454, Shuhua Milk, TheBestJimmy, darksida
Full list


on 22. July 2024, 17:53 by MrQubo
I think Nurikabe is missing the rule that there may not be any 2x2 block of unshaded cells. Otherwise it doesn't solve uniquely.

on 19. May 2024, 02:36 by sealsinthesoup
Beautiful! I loved working with the ambiguity. I imagine this took a decent amount of work to make sure there was only one solution. It's nice to see puzzles where the setter really put some work and creativity into it, while the puzzle itself remains at a reasonable difficulty level.

on 5. February 2024, 00:10 by KusaneHexaku
Added an explanation of what Akari clues mean

on 2. December 2023, 17:58 by Einitsu
Great puzzle! I noticed that the Akari rules you wrote have a mistake: they don't mention what clue numbers mean.

on 30. October 2023, 13:41 by Dandelo


on 21. October 2023, 18:28 by jessica6
7 nice little dwarves -eh- puzzles

on 19. October 2023, 08:56 by Dandelo
Answer check didn't trigger.

The problem with solution codes in external programs is that in future (e.g. 10-20 years) links could be dead, but the puzzle be still active. You are free to put the solution code into the success message of penpa, but it should be solvable with pen and paper.

Another problem: it happens from time to time that in a new penpa version answer checks don't work anymore.

Last changed on 19. October 2023, 08:02

on 19. October 2023, 08:02 by KusaneHexaku
Fixed incorrect description about the Penpa+ usage --- you do not need to draw the outside border of the Slitherlink grid

Also, solution code method changed. Not sure if this is better but at least it's something.

on 19. October 2023, 02:19 by KNT
I solved the puzzles, but the answer check didn't pop up (instructions maybe unclear about the check). Regardless, could you change the code to something that doesn't rely on external software to input? That way paper-solvers can register a solve on this puzzle as well.

Rating:95 %
Solved:40 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle combination Large Multi-grid puzzle Matchmaker Shading puzzle Dissection puzzle

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