Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knights of the Quick Silver

(Published on 16. October 2023, 19:32 by gdc)

After some recent puzzles with exotic rulesets, I now decided to set something more "normal" again. This is an antiknight thermo puzzle similar to one of my earlier puzzles but significantly easier. Thanks to the CtC fan-discord for testing and feedback!

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply
  • Digits separated by a knight's move may not repeat
  • Digits along a thermo strictly increase from the bulb

Play Online: CtC, f-puzzles


Here is an example puzzle (left) with the same ruleset and it's solution (right). If you imagine the 2 is a chess knight, it couldn't capture any other 2 in the grid. The same is true for all other numbers. You can play the example here

Solution code: Row 1 from left to right (9 digits)

Solved by mutex, seeppp, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Paletron, SKORP17, Fizz, jalebc, pepe74287, XhcnoirX, apendleton, Nigrin, Flinty, keesh, Ocean, LehanLehan, Kreekers, zalaklab, galium_odoratum, NRB, Crul, ... Kyriaas, lpq29743, cbrown92, MrWhite2020, TommyHMBK, ignigomoreno, widjo, vmirandaa, ranalloatl2, augsod, Villse, kisha, martin1456, Martini&Toto, edwinap, richliaofs, siliciousreese, gxorgx
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on 15. January 2024, 18:38 by chain.reader
very nice, but not two stars. more like 3-4 stars ;)

on 2. December 2023, 21:08 by cascadeshiker
Thanks for the puzzle. I found it very hard, so I gave it 3 stars. OTOH maybe I just need more practice with these constraints.

on 22. November 2023, 19:21 by KingIsulgard
Not as easy as it looks.

on 17. October 2023, 16:04 by PinkNickels
My favorite genre of puzzles, thermo + knights. thank you.

on 17. October 2023, 12:34 by 3ffer
Loved it!

on 17. October 2023, 02:10 by Silverscree
A great take on the diagonal-thermo-knight combo, I enjoyed it a lot. I also thought the 4×4 demo was very cute.

on 17. October 2023, 01:14 by Hajuhn
Brilliant puzzle

on 16. October 2023, 22:55 by NRB
Thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle. Not too tricky but challenging enough

Rating:95 %
Solved:239 times
Observed:11 times

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