(Published on 17. October 2023, 14:14 by Scojo)
This puzzle was originally set in October 2023 for the Cracking the Cryptic Discord's monthly prompt of "Ally McPhee's Ever-Branching Tree" (Extended from September). This puzzle combines the layout of my puzzle Blue Spruce with the BLT Sudoku ruleset from a couple of my earliest puzzles.
- Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
- Palindromic Bacon: A brown line must read the same way from either end.
- Whispering Lettuce: Digits along a green line must differ by at least 5 from any neighbor on the line.
- Renban Tomatoes: Digits along a red line must form a consecutive sequence of non-repeating numbers in any order.
- B.L.T. Sandwiches: A clue outside the grid represents the sum of all bacon, lettuce, and tomato cells between the 1 and 9 (sandwich crusts) in that row or column. Any cells within the sandwich that are not bacon, lettuce, or tomato do not count towards the sandwich sum. The crusts of the sandwiches may not be on bacon, lettuce, or tomato cells.
- Secret Sauce: one digit from 2-8 is the secret sauce and must appear between the crusts of all clued sandwiches in a cell that is not bacon, lettuce, or tomato, and the secret sauce does not contribute to the sandwich total. The secret sauce is the same digit in every sandwich.
- In rows and columns without sandwich clues, 1, 9, and the secret sauce digit may appear on bacon, lettuce, and tomato cells.
Feel free to solve the following example puzzle to understand the rules better. Note that 5x5 sudoku rules apply to this puzzle. The difference between digits on a German Whisper must be greater than 3, The sandwich crusts are 1 and 5, and the secret sauce must be from 2-4. Solve in CTC or f-puzzles
Solve the full puzzle in CTC or f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 5
Solved by Starlight, SKORP17, marcmees, dskaff, lmdemasi, BlackPhoenix1619, Kirra, MathNeedsKisses, Moe, rdesmarais2, rasmussaame, benisjammin, RockyRoer, zrbakhtiar, TaeChi, QuiltyAsCharged, karlmortenlunna
on 17. June 2024, 11:27 by QuiltyAsCharged
And they say BLT's don't grow on trees? Fun puzzle :)
on 17. October 2023, 21:07 by lmdemasi
Super fun and also delicious.
on 17. October 2023, 16:57 by Starlight
Fun and interesting variant of sandwich sudoku. It flowed nicely. Great work