Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-Ratio Astronomy

(Published on 15. October 2023, 06:43 by Scojo)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • Spiral Galaxy: Divide the grid into galaxies, which are orthogonally connected groups of cells that have 180 degree rotational symmetry about their centers, and do not overlap with other galaxies. All cells must be part of a galaxy. The center of every galaxy is marked by a red dot. Digits may not repeat within a galaxy.
  • Anti-Ratio: No two adjacent cells in the grid may have digits that are in a 1:2 ratio.

Solve in CTC or f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 3

Solved by Scruffamudda, Felis_Timon, DanishDynamite, fuxia, LeaVulpina, Sinuit, Blobz, Sonki, jkuo7, zalaklab, HumanBirdsong, EFlatMinor, Kirra, OhHeyGuysItsMax, GertVonnegut, gblaze920, samuel1997, hoopsie, ... dumediat, MaxSmartable, Default, vect0r, wuc, oskode, puzzeenjoyer, PippoForte, ninjamunk, erkiraak, redgecko, dogfarts, cybers, Pascuel, duckling, abadx, gxorgx, h5663454, lpq29743, karlmortenlunna
Full list


on 26. March 2024, 00:44 by wuc
One of my favorites. Awesome. Thx.

on 24. December 2023, 04:00 by glum_hippo
Intricate lil number, this. Really enjoyable

on 18. October 2023, 22:59 by Ryx
Wonderful logical flow at the start, then nice negative logic flow to start filling the galaxies with stars. Great puzzle.

on 17. October 2023, 20:35 by Schma
Very nice puzzle and great difficulty level!

on 17. October 2023, 08:25 by madhupt
Very smooth and enjoyable puzzle! A real joy!

on 17. October 2023, 03:14 by Agent
Very smooth and easy puzzle, thanks!

on 16. October 2023, 23:38 by TrollErgoSum
The flow on this is just so good, enjoyed it a lot.

on 16. October 2023, 22:46 by YouriD
Great puzzle!

on 16. October 2023, 22:43 by yuanbangod

on 16. October 2023, 19:50 by Christounet
Fun puzzle ! Thanks :)

on 16. October 2023, 00:48 by HumanBirdsong
The sudoku was interesting even after the regions were identified. Excellent construction, very well done.

on 16. October 2023, 00:25 by zalaklab
Amazing puzzle. Very nice puzzle.

on 15. October 2023, 17:28 by Blobz
A fun astronomical romp! Nice puzzle.

Rating:97 %
Solved:161 times
Observed:14 times

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