Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 13. October 2023, 02:02 by Kafkapharnaum)

Filling the empty 7x7 spot between the Discord Line Squadron pack (4x4's, 5x5's and 6x6's) and the 8x8 Maverick

– Adjacent digits along a green line must have a difference of at least 5

– The digits along the blue line have an equal sum within each region the line passes through (the branchings are purely for aesthetic reasons; no cell is counted twice)

– Digits along a red line must form a series of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order

– Every row, column, and region contains the digit 0 always, as well as six out of the seven digits from 1 to 7 (ie, it's missing one digit that is not 0)
– No two row, no two column, and no two region may be missing the same digit
– For each 0 in the grid, the digits missing in its row, its column, and its region must be three different digits
*** Also, note that a zero always acts as itself (ie, the lowest possible value), regardless of what digits it's replacing in its box, row and column

SOLVING LINKS (no solution check)
Solve on Penpa – with tracking cells
Solve on Penpa – main grid only
Solve on the CTC app – with tracking cells
Solve on the CTC app – main grid only

Solution code: Column 1, Row 4

Last changed on on 23. March 2024, 20:34

Solved by sanabas, feethy, wullemuus, Yann, Piatato, DaleVandermeer, gfoot
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on 31. October 2023, 22:09 by Piatato
Very tough for me, I really struggled with this one!

Last changed on 20. October 2023, 18:55

on 20. October 2023, 18:40 by Yann
Very nice (and quite approachable), but it took me absolute ages to solve over a week, I was surprised by the irregular part, there is no more my favorite doppelganger trick, very present in Maverick for example.
In any case, thanks for another tricky yet enjoyable 0 puzzle !
Haha, I know what you mean, and the lack of that particular characteristic in this one made it an absolute ordeal to set, to the point where I was tempted to give up on creating a 7x7, so it makes it all the more appreciated to receive comments like that, thank you so very much! :D

Last changed on 19. October 2023, 05:27

on 18. October 2023, 16:54 by wullemuus
Don't worry!
Somehow the rest of my comment was lost, so once again: Very nice and familiar logic flow. That for it wasn't to hard to solve this one. I also liked the chaos construction. Thanks a lot that the 7 digits haven't to be found XD! Using the CTC app the middle row in the small box of the tracking grid showed mistakes though the digits were right (that irritated me for a moment). Thanks!
Ah, yes, I tend to forget about this cause I always have the conflict checker off -- but thinking of it, it's kind of amazing that it doesn't happen more often, as it's not something I ever pay attention or make any effort to avoid XD
Thanks so much for the kind words, and as always, for your overall support, I can't tell you enough how appreciated this is!

Last changed on 13. October 2023, 15:52

on 13. October 2023, 14:34 by feethy
Good puzzle! I loved the design of the grid, it was a pleasure to solve
Thank you for entering you solve, but especially for all your work and feedbacks testing all the previous versions, I really appreciate it!

Solved:7 times
Observed:15 times

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