Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

2023WSC R12 Practice - Put It All Together

(Published on 12. October 2023, 18:27 by qiuyanzhe)

There are 16 boxes of a 16*16 Sudoku.

According to the layout below the boxes, assemble a 16*16 Sudoku, and finish it to match Classic rules and all the rules in the boxes. Boxes may be rotated but not reflected.

The rules of boxes(in the pieces page) are:

(Row 1, Columns 1,2) Classic: No extra rules applied.
(Row 1, Columns 3,4) Arrow: Sum of numbers on a path equals number in the corresponding circle.
(Row 2, Columns 1,2) Consecutive Pairs: Numbers connected with dots have difference 1.
(Row 2, Columns 3,4) Digital: For each cell with clue, its number must be able to be obtained by adding segments from the given ones, within the given digital skeleton, as in the image. A Digital "0" is digital "8" minus the central segment, as usual.
(Row 3, Columns 1,2) Even Odd: Cells with squares contain even numbers, cells with circles contain odd numbers.
(Row 3, Columns 3,4) Inequality: Inequality signs must hold for every adjacent pair of cells.
(Row 4, Columns 1,2) Killer: Sum of the numbers in each cage must equal the value given in the upper-left corner of that cage.
(Row 4, Columns 3,4) Thermo: For every shape, numbers increase from the bulb to the end.

The layout is:
Classic --- Ineq. --- Digital --- Arrow
Killer --- Classic --- Arrow --- Thermo
Thermo --- Cons.P. --- EvenOdd --- Killer
Cons.P. --- Digital --- Ineq. --- EvenOdd

In this puzzle, one Digital piece has some "number 1 + a skeleton of 7 segments" clues. Such a clue means the cell contains 10~16, and the piece cannot be rotated. This may be different with the competition puzzle.

In this puzzle, Classic, Killer pieces and the Digital piece above have fixed orientation, the other Digital piece may be rotated by 0 or 180 degrees, and all other pieces may be rotated by 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.

As reference, see Round 12, Instruction Booklets for 2023 World Sudoku Championship. (wspc2023.com)
This puzzle is intended to have the same rules as that.

If taken as WSC practice:
This should be harder than the actual puzzle, and is not likely to be suitable as a team round. It may be considered something similar to WPC 2019 R13(Loopfinder, 7 sets of rules to be find out), but some spots might be trickier.

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Answer Sheet

Solution code: The location of all 12s in each row(as in the assembled grid, 23 digits). For example, one possible answer code may be: 15913261014371115481216.

Solved by EKBM, CJK, MaM, Ifjutitan
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Solved:4 times
Observed:10 times

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