Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mini Ludoku

(Published on 11. October 2023, 11:30 by Flinty)

Irregular Region Sudoku.
Place the digits 1 to 5 in each Row, Column and Region. The 5th Region includes the four corner digits, along with the central digit.

Anti-King Constraint.
Cells separated by a King's move in Chess cannot have the same digit.

The central digit is smaller than all the adjacent digits.

Numbers on a thermometer strictly increase as they move away from the bulb.

The Yellow(!) Thermometer is purely cosmetic, or the puzzle would be broken.

I was so pleased with myself when I came up with the name Ludoku, but it looks like someone beat me to it with a much more accurate and intricate puzzle: Ludoku by ste221093. So I have annotated mine as 'Mini' Ludoku.

The puzzle difficulty is less than one star, but it was too pretty not to share.

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 1 (5 Digits)

Last changed on -

Solved by Megalobrainiac, asver, Dreamy4Vada, One Eyed Man, Jayden M, jdjdjd, sujoyku, EmX68, Statistica, sbc, Fizz, Matti64, gotem, ForzaFcu, 28righthand, scushuaishuai, goodcity, kkli, zrbakhtiar, ole-1995a, ... rexxk, johnreid, Archon, me and the paws, arangues, RickiFerrara, permafrostyx, yasmim.nat, UsernameDave, NumaPompilius, Zedarflight , Supertaster, widjo, Gnubeutel, stefhoer, assassinat0r
Full list


on 8. September 2024, 19:37 by permafrostyx
yay 2:43

on 13. October 2023, 13:55 by Flinty
Thank you all so much for the kind comments. @lalitk0300 that means a lot, thank you. :)

@PrimeWeasel - haha! - very nice! - I came up with the puzzle and then the name. I suspect you and @ste221093 came up with the name first and then did justice to the pun with great puzzles.

on 12. October 2023, 21:19 by PrimeWeasel
I actually made the first Ludoku on LMD: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0005VM

Last changed on 12. October 2023, 21:30

on 12. October 2023, 15:50 by lalitk0300
You're my favourite setter now Flinty, I saw Flinty and I want to play the puzzle. Thanks for all the fun. Thanks for linking ludoku, enjoyed that as well.

on 12. October 2023, 05:30 by Tingo
This was a fun little puzzle. I used colors to help me figure it out. Thanks for setting and sharing!

on 11. October 2023, 14:56 by PinkNickels
Nice little break puzzle! Thanks for sharing.

on 11. October 2023, 14:06 by Kirra
Lovely sudoku snack. Thanks for the mini Ludoku. That was lots of fun.

Rating:86 %
Solved:302 times
Observed:6 times

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