Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

꩜ BigBang Loop ꩜

(Published on 9. October 2023, 14:28 by ElChiglia)

---- RULES ----

Normal Sudoku rules apply: Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

Galaxies: Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region contains exactly one red circle and is rotationally symmetric around the circle. Every cell must be part of exactly one such region.

Parity Loop: After determining the galaxies, draw a 1-cell-wide loop (orthogonally connected cells) into the grid which fulfills the following requirements:
  • The loop must go through all cells containing red circles. If a red circle is on an edge or corner, the loop must only pass through at least one of the adjacent cells.
  • The loop cannot enter any galaxy more than once.
  • The loop cannot touch itself, not even diagonally.
  • The loop encloses as few cells as possible (while still obeying the previous rules).
The found loop will act as a parity line. Adjacent digits along the loop have opposite parity.

Row Indexer: Green cells are row indexers. If a green cell (R,C) contains the digit X then cell (X,C) contains the digit R. Thus, here, the digit in a green cell indicates in which row the 4 can be found in the same column.

Column Indexer: Red cells are column indexers. If a red cell (R,C) contains the digit X then cell (R,X) contains the digit C. Thus, here, the digit in a red cell indicates in which column the 5 can be found in the same row.

Kropki dots: Cells connected by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Digits in cells connected by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio.

---- LINKS ----

Solve this puzzle in the CtC app

Solve this puzzle on f-puzzles.com

---- EXAMPLE ----

Solve this example in the CtC app

Solve this example on f-puzzles.com

This is the third sudoku in my series of “Build-your-own-loop Sudokus". If you liked solving this puzzle or if you prefer other combinations of loop logic and constraints, feel free to give the other sudokus of the series a go too:

Loop Logic Loop Constraint Further Constraints
Road Running
Road Runner Parity Line Kropki Dots
Modifying Loop
- Incrementers,
Magic Squares,
Killer cages,
Kropki Dots
Skiing Loop Gates German Whispers Kropki Dot,
Between Lines
Behaving Loop 3x3 boxes Polarity Line Kropki Dots
Magical Loop Guiding cells Modular Line Magic Squares
Foggy Loop Guiding cells Parity Line Fog of War,
Killer Cages
10-Suȵ Loop Moon-or-Sun 10-Line Killer Cages
Counting Loop Galaxies Counting Line Killer Cages,
Kropki Dots,
Quadruple Clues
Shining Loop Moon-or-Sun Parity Line Killer Cages
Interfering Loops Slitherlink
+ Masyu
Entropic Line
+ Parity Line
Killer Cages
Slithering Loop Slitherlink Entropic Line Killer Cages,
Little Killer
BigBang Loop Galaxies Parity Line Row/Column Indexer,
Kropki Dots
Summing Loop Star Battle Region Sum Line Killer Cages,
Kropki Dots
Whispering Loop Star Battle German Whispers Sandwich Sum

Solution code: Column 8, followed by row 8

Last changed on on 6. December 2023, 20:45

Solved by Bootenks, lmdemasi, Fizz, flyjim, Nell Gwyn, tobymgk, ehoqq, jkuo7, Cheetos, najho, Possum, samjna0049, abadx, bubyta28, RebelSystem, gynu, rich_27, wrightbr3, tweak42, lindae, shou, WvdWest, ... ascension, ZornsLemon, trashghost, Pseudonym27182, h5663454, LehanLehan, sorryimLate, Leoninus, dogfarts, susadoraku, SPring, jinkela114514, SKORP17, virus_dave, Echatsum, duckling, SeveNateNine
Full list


on 26. February 2024, 13:58 by sorryimLate
Very nice puzzle!

on 18. October 2023, 10:33 by Possum
The galaxies variant was new to me, but it felt very intuitive in your puzzle. very smooth overall.

on 9. October 2023, 19:04 by Fizz
What a treat of a puzzle! It was super fun all the way through! Thank you so much for setting it, I really enjoyed this one.

Rating:91 %
Solved:45 times
Observed:13 times

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