Call My Bluff (2 Truths, 1 Lie Sudoku)
(Published on 16. October 2023, 07:00 by tallcat)
After Zetamath published his
"Two Truths and a Lie" puzzle, I knew I would make one myself; it just took me a while to get around to it. As is often the case for me, I had the opening for a time but couldn't quite develop it further for a while. I am very pleased with the final result though. Happy solving!!
Normal Sudoku rules apply
2T1L: All clue types are standard. However,
exactly one instance of every clue type is lying to you!
Between Lines: Cells along lines between two filled circles must have values between those in the circles.
Black Kropki: Adjacent digits along a black dot have a ratio of 1:2.
Even: Cells with a gray square have even digits.
German Whispers: Adjacent digits along a green line have a difference of at least 5.
Odd: Cells with a gray circle have odd digits.
Renban: Cells along a purple Renban line must have non-repeating consecutive digits.
Sandwich: Outside clues give the sum of digits between 1 and 9 in that row/column.
V: Cells along a V must sum to 5.
White Kropki: Cells connected by a white dot have to be consecutive.
X: Cells along an X must sum to 10.
Can be played online at
Solution code: Row 9 (left to right) and column 7 (top to bottom). 18 digits, no spaces.
Last changed on -
Solved by tuturitu, SirWoezel, bansalsaab, Calvinball, karlmortenlunna, madhupt, gynu, AvonD, killer_rectangle, ddx01, Vodakhan , Paletron, samuel1997, mercierus, Mr_tn, Hazem-77, meixia, nmmc123, sanabas, ... abed hawila, QuiltyAsCharged, Sewerin, Bobbobert, zakkai, renmou3355529, Niverio, Da Letter El, PippoForte, peacherwu2, ZornsLemon, samjna0049, Solved647, atomvic, widjo, isajo4002, konjecture
on 26. March 2024, 19:41 by Niverio
Super smooth! Brilliant setting.
on 30. October 2023, 17:28 by twototenth
Very hard, but totally worth it. Exceptional puzzle.
on 19. October 2023, 15:01 by RebelSystem
Well I got through it. From what I remember Zetamath's puzzle was slightly quicker for me. Struggled for a long time to see what related to that but every revelation of truth and falsehood felt like joy. Excellent puzzle. Glad I took the CtC advice and tried it.
on 18. October 2023, 23:14 by yuanbangod
on 18. October 2023, 01:23 by meixia
Good idea and very good puzzle.
on 16. October 2023, 18:20 by madhupt
Very nice puzzle. Very smooth and logical flow of solution. Really enjoyed this one. Thanks a lot for sharing this.
on 16. October 2023, 18:06 by karlmortenlunna
Another fantastic puzzle from you! Really enjoyed this one.