(Published on 4. October 2023, 18:48 by sdholmes)
Solution code: Row 8
Solved by SKORP17, ONeill, lmdemasi, galium_odoratum, ElChiglia, Uhu, Bootenks, LehanLehan, jalebc, Chelo, EmX68, TeamSchmidt, NineK, Viola canadensis, marvellousminty, luisdcnt, Counterfeitly, Sumanta(ANU), ... abadx, Askloomok, SpecSheets, mezkur7, noodlehead, Mathemagier, valle1124, Just me, erkiraak, PippoForte, fca.felix.sudoku, MysticMan, hazarege, Benji, vmirandaa, augsod, Kallor, lpq29743, saisasank
on 5. October 2023, 02:53 by the_h0tt3st_mess
as a beginner, took me a while to get started but the puzzle flows beautifully from there :)
on 4. October 2023, 21:55 by EmX68
Fun puzzle! Thanks!
on 4. October 2023, 20:00 by galium_odoratum
This was way more enjoyable than I initially thought, beautiful flow and logic!