The inauguration of the new underground network in Tokyo was a great success! In fact, the same Japanase architect already sent you the plans for another construction project. Following a new security protocol, the U-Bahn indications have been encrypted. However, if you carefully follow the standard practice of your discipline, you will see that the indications can be deciphered with no ambiguity, and you'll have all the information you need to build the network. Good luck, and have fun!
Puzzle links
Solution code: For each row except the last, from top to bottom, the number of lines leading down from that row.
on 30. October 2024, 10:35 by MagnusJosefsson
Fantastic puzzle! Incredible opening (long, challenging, and rewarding); after that the solve flows very smoothly to the end.
on 29. May 2024, 08:04 by zzw
Amazing puzzle!!
on 23. April 2024, 23:04 by ibag
Fantastic construction!
on 14. February 2024, 07:27 by Christounet
Great puzzle and great serie ! Very clever opening ! Thanks :)
on 25. October 2023, 00:12 by ONeill
on 21. October 2023, 17:34 by Piatato
Really great puzzle again, thanks! Rating it 4 stars in anticipation for that next one :S
on 8. October 2023, 06:21 by wooferzfg
Awesome puzzle, thank you!
on 5. October 2023, 08:26 by marcmees
fantastic puzzle again. thanks. (loved the interaction between both M clues in R2/3)
on 3. October 2023, 22:09 by Mr_tn
Incredible puzzle!
on 3. October 2023, 14:48 by KNT
on 3. October 2023, 13:21 by Myxo
Spectacular break-in and a really enjoyable smooth solve afterwards :)
on 3. October 2023, 12:26 by Jesper
A lovely puzzle!
on 3. October 2023, 09:20 by Niverio
Very cool puzzle! U-bahns definitely need more numbers ;) This was fantastic.