Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Blueberry Crop in the Fog

(Published on 30. September 2023, 21:38 by olima)

Blueberry Crop in the Fog

⚪ Normal Sudoku rules apply. Placing correct digits reveals more of the grid under the fog.
Kropki pairs: White dots indicate consecutive digits, black dots digits in a 1:2 ratio.
Not all dots are necessarily given.
Indexing: Blue cells are box indexing, i. e. a digit A at position B indicates a digit B at position A in that box.

Link: Sudoku-Pad

Solution code: rows 4 and 6

Solved by hige, ayasnt, JohanW, seeppp, wmoret, Nigrin, ricola, ludvigr04, luisdcnt, efnenu, Xalothros, Yaksic, mihil99, apete, Twan2797, Viola canadensis, AvonD, Carpet11, mjozska1985, micjo, Jodelbanane, ... sortofrican90, cloudy8, tgstar, JazzCarballo, LizardOfEarthsea, dellC, ashekke, ratolibre, ChulioZ, MysticMan, arangues, dgphoto, jsxft, Benji, citysquirrel, noah138, qwerjk, Pingy, matthew.v
Full list


on 10. December 2024, 17:40 by Riccardo
So cool! It's such a cute idea. Once you get a blueberry you can't stop from eating the other ones too! As you get one, a new one appears. I liked it a lot.
Time: 23 min

Last changed on 29. October 2024, 19:17

on 29. October 2024, 19:17 by bpRobbo
Took me a while to get my head around indexing but all clicked eventually! Got so into following the blueberries I got stuck in box 9 until I remembered I was doing a sudoku :D Thanks! 23:31

on 23. June 2024, 16:25 by maiaz
indexing cells rock

on 31. May 2024, 08:13 by Noodlz
great puzzle, really enjoyed the solve.

on 10. May 2024, 01:34 by PatMac
Good indexing practice. Sorely needed.

on 4. April 2024, 22:19 by cozoq
Great puzzle

on 14. February 2024, 15:29 by Jaba13
My first index puzzle. Makes you think!

on 6. January 2024, 02:39 by ave
It was great fun, loved it.
Thanks, olima!

on 8. October 2023, 15:53 by Blobz
A lovely romp through a blueberry field. Delicious!

on 3. October 2023, 10:09 by Syzygy
Great fun, I agree with the other comment that mentioned how Foggy Puzzle tend to be very focussed in one area… I loved how the fog uncovered all over on this puzzle!
Thank you for setting!

on 2. October 2023, 19:20 by lalitk0300
Thank you for setting it

on 2. October 2023, 06:57 by EmpyClaw
I often struggle with indexing but this was easy enough to grok and made for a nice straightforward path in the puzzle. I quite liked this.

Last changed on 2. October 2023, 04:46

on 2. October 2023, 04:46 by nomos
15:25 took a bunch of re-reads to understand this type of indexing haha. Fun puzzle!

on 1. October 2023, 22:13 by salimundo
Very interesting how the solve is like a path through the grid, unlike a lot of fog puzzles where you kinda complete boxes at a time.

on 1. October 2023, 17:58 by EmpyClaw
I often struggle with indexing but this was easy enough to grok and made for a nice straightforward path in the puzzle. I quite liked this.

on 1. October 2023, 13:07 by vorash00
I’m ridiculously bad at indexing but this was easy and made me feel better about my indexing abilities

on 1. October 2023, 12:55 by vorash00
I’m ridiculously bad at indexing but this was easy and made me feel better about my indexing abilities

on 1. October 2023, 03:44 by zachb20
I enjoyed how the indexing cells contributed to the fog of war, it gave the puzzle a nice flow. Cool puzzle!

on 1. October 2023, 02:35 by kierownik
The indexing blue cell is what you should look at

Rating:91 %
Solved:660 times
Observed:12 times

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