Anti-8 Killer
I've wanted to set a puzzle with this special "anti-king" type of rule for some time. Turns out the rule is quite powerful, so the resulting grid is rather minimal.
Solution code: row 8
on 13. December 2023, 13:14 by plica
Break-in was great. Very enjoyable solve
on 27. September 2023, 08:33 by Bankey
Fun variant. Thanks, @ Blashyrkh:).
on 27. September 2023, 08:04 by greyden
I've seen a few puzzles with a orthogonal sum constraint, but this is the first I've seen where there is a diagonal sum constraint as well. This is a beautiful and well-crafted puzzle that uses these constraints is such a way that five cages in a near-symmetrical design is all you need to have a logical path that is both challenging and fun to find. Thank you for this marvelous creation.
on 26. September 2023, 14:00 by Ragna
Fantastisch!!! Dankeschön :-))
on 25. September 2023, 22:14 by Matti64
It took me almost an hour but this is the kind of challenge I love.
on 25. September 2023, 22:03 by Chad
Fantastic break-through and very enjoyable solve!