Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Three Fluids (Nurikabe)

(Published on 23. September 2023, 20:25 by GemmaOane)


  • Normal irregular sudoku rules apply: Fill each row, column and region with the digits 1-9.
  • Seas: Seas are formed by groups of orthogonally connected cells and each sea contains exactly one circle. The circle indicates the type of sea ("?" is to be determined by the solver), and the digit in the circle corresponds to the number of cells it occupies.
  • Sea Types:
    • There are three types of seas: Water, Lava, and Oil
    • Water seas of size N must contain all digits below N.

      For example, a water sea of size 4 must contain the digits 1, 2, and 3.

    • Lava seas of size N must contain all possible digits above N and below 2N.

      For example, a lava sea of size 3 must contain the digits 4 and 5. A lava sea of size 7 only must contain the digits 8 and 9, the remaining four digits can be freely chosen (as 10, 11, 12 and 13 are impossible).

    • Oil seas of size N must not contain the counter digit of N, which is 10 - N.
  • Sea Rules: Seas must stay within their sudoku region and may not touch each other orthogonally. Seas of the same type may not have the same size.
  • Ground Cells: Cells that are not part of a sea are considered Ground. All ground cells in the grid must be fully orthogonally connected. No 2x2 area in the grid may be fully ground.
  • V: The V points towards the lower digit.

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CTC / SudokuPad

If you liked my puzzle, I would be happy if you left a comment.

Solution code: Column 8

Last changed on on 24. September 2023, 19:42

Solved by Mr_tn, zuzanina, coreng, alisonsky2, Dandelo, jkuo7, tuturitu, elnahal, LeaVulpina, codewizard, WvdWest, Jesper, shizu, meixia, AvonD, RubberMittens, GTLSE, humaLautema, Asphodel, Roezaea, dennischen, GoogleEnPassant, puzzler05, dawsonjones2020, Doziam, h5663454, dogfarts, Dentones
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Last changed on 22. January 2024, 00:40

on 22. January 2024, 00:39 by Roezaea
I'm quite experienced with nurikabe, and I stared at the start of this puzzle for over an hour wondering how in world anyone could break in to it, before realizing the additional restriction that "seas must stay within their sudoku region".

Incredible puzzle with great logic. Would love to see more. Thanks for setting.

on 30. September 2023, 14:54 by shizu
Happy to solve this one, was fun throughout the progress. Very doable even for non-pro solvers like me ^^
Was stuck at some point because I forgot about the V clue x)

on 27. September 2023, 16:17 by codewizard
That was a fun journey! A tad harder than 3* I think, or it was maybe just the unfamiliar ruleset that took a while get a handle on :-)

Last changed on 27. September 2023, 16:13

on 27. September 2023, 16:13 by LeaVulpina
Very cool. I'm a little embarrassed that it took me two hours, but I guess that's what happens when you keep forgetting the rules and wondering why something went wrong. xD

on 25. September 2023, 20:44 by elnahal
This was my first Nurikabe as well as my first irregular 9x9. Great setting, I had to take a break for a day but I am really glad I finished it.

on 24. September 2023, 19:42 by GemmaOane
Update title and description

Last changed on 24. September 2023, 19:42

on 24. September 2023, 12:48 by Dandelo
Very nice. I've read only the first comment before solving, so I made the same mistake as coreng. But I just had to go back a few steps.

But I would call it neither Coral nor Yinyang. The ground and the seas follow exactly the rules of Nurikabe and even the numbers in the circles do so.

You are right. I updated the title. ~GemmaOane

on 24. September 2023, 06:09 by coreng
Fabulous setting. I misread the rule about oil seas and mistakenly thought the counter digit must be IN the sea. So for a while I thought I broke the puzzle, but it all went smoothly on my second attempt! Thanks

on 24. September 2023, 00:33 by Leonardo024
Wow, enjoyable but hard... I could start really solving after about 20 minutes when I read that the digit in the circle corresponds to the number of the sea size >.<

Rating:93 %
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