Image generated with Hotpot AI Art Generator
Normal sudoku rules apply.
The grid contains nine "Doubler Fruit", one in each row, column, and box. Each tree has exactly one doubler fruit on one branch tip. Five other fruit are scattered around the orchard. Cells containing a doubler fruit count as double their digit value. Each digit from 1 through 9 is doubled exactly once.
Along the grey "Thermo Tree" values must increase from the bulb end.
Along the pink "Renban Tree" values form a non-repeating consecutive sequence.
Along a blue "Region Sum Tree" values have an equal sum N within each box it passes through. Where the line passes through the same box more than once, each individual segment sums to N separately. Different lines may have different values for N.
Values in cages sum to the given clue.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
My beautiful Orchard was chopped down and converted to Harvest Lumber by rockratzero...
Solution code: Row 8 followed by Row 9
on 23. September 2024, 16:42 by MrWhite2020
Doublers broke my mind!
on 14. December 2023, 22:46 by fitzie
I think it's possible to evaluate the rules as allowing a second doubler on non-tip parts, but that doesn't comport with my trips to the orchard.
on 13. December 2023, 09:55 by vollbesonderbar
trapped me so often ... beautiful great fun ;D
on 13. December 2023, 06:42 by KyleBaran
One of the few 2x puzzles Ive solved, and it was a treat. Very fair and approachable logic
on 12. December 2023, 17:51 by PierreTombal
This one had me going for a while. Not because it was hard but because I stubbornly kept returning to my initial error, convinced that there was no other way and because of this also starting to think that trees might still have a second doubler on the stem.
on 12. December 2023, 17:44 by LehanLehan
Yet another treat from Blobz,thank you very much.
on 12. December 2023, 12:24 by WeakSolver
Wow! Fantastic puzzle.
on 12. December 2023, 01:47 by nyxie
Do the doubler digits count as double on the renban and thermo as well, or just in region sums and cages?
Everywhere - think of each cell having a "value": for doublers the value is twice the digit; for regular cells the value IS the digit. The thermo, renban, killer cage, and region sum constraints must all be satisfied in terms of "values".
on 11. December 2023, 21:57 by vitaminz
Great puzzle! Thought I saw the break-in but was tricked (in a great way). Missed a fairly obvious but very important piece of the picture to get started but after finding it was very pleased with the progression.
on 11. December 2023, 18:14 by rockratzero
Thanks Blobz, all that delicious doubler fruit gave me the strength I needed to stack timber all day :)
on 11. December 2023, 18:13 by Blobz
Added link to Harvest Lumber.
on 11. December 2023, 18:02 by fopkovic
I like apples, thanks for sharing!