It’s a very special day for Nala because she gets a visitor. It is her best friend Nelly! Nala and Nelly have been best friends since their earliest puppy weeks. Whenever they come together all the fun is doubled, but the backyard will be left in chaos and a huge cloud of dust.
How will the backyard look like once the dust settled?
Normal Sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 in every row, column and box exactly once each.
Each of the digits 1-9 appears as a „Doubler“ exactly once in the grid. There is only one „Doubler“ in each row, column and 3x3 box. Digits that appear as „Doubler“ have a value that is double their size.
The value of digits in a dashed cage must sum to the total in the top left corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat within their own cage, although values may.
The value of digits along an arrow must sum to the value of the digit in the corresponding circle. Each arrow has its own color. Arrows of the same color are connected.
Additionally the grid is partially covered in fog. Placing correct digits will clear the fog from surrounding cells, possibly revealing more clues.
Solution code: Digits from Column 9 (top to bottom):
on 2. November 2024, 11:09 by codeOfLife
Thx a lot @OBu42. I was going crazy and you saved me.
on 16. August 2024, 23:39 by wuc
Very nice flow. Approachable and small steps to think carefully. Thx.
on 2. April 2024, 10:55 by OBu42
It helps a *lot* to read the instructions carefully... I got stuck for an hour after a smooth start because I missed one constraint. After that was resolved, it went very smoothly, again.
on 11. December 2023, 03:14 by damasosos92
That was amazing!
on 10. December 2023, 05:32 by bbutrosghali
Very nice! I made it harder for myself by forgetting the rule that a doubler cannot repeat digits until I got very stuck towards the end and reread the rules.
on 12. October 2023, 18:54 by RebelSystem
This is a lovely series. Always enjoyable and not too frustrating. So pleased last week when finally using LMG after setting up the account ages ago to solve #13 and learn that CtC has only been telling us of a few of the joys. This one was such a lot of fun thinking about all the double possibilities and seeing how well everything worked together.
on 28. September 2023, 02:17 by Ratfinkz
Oh Nala...did you and Nelly get the chalk out too?! It does look a very pretty mess with pastel scribbles everywhere!
Another lovely puzzle.... beautifully smooth!
on 26. September 2023, 20:34 by theParad0x
Great puzzle!! I thought it was pretty hard but I haven't done any doubler puzzle so I struggled with that part. Also, forgot the rule that each dight appears as a doubler haha. Thanks for sharing
on 25. September 2023, 07:36 by vorash00
Never done a double puzzle before so this was a good intro the fog helps alert you to early errors and you don’t get as defeated as if you get to the end and find and error. Each error I restarted from scratch 3 restarts later I finished!
It’s not overly complex I was just not considering all the options to begin with.
on 23. September 2023, 13:03 by elikap
very nice, love the series!
on 22. September 2023, 21:37 by aerenhart
I love the Nala series! Thank you for making a doubler puzzle more approachable, they're always very daunting to me, but this one was super nice. Loved it!
on 22. September 2023, 21:13 by dumediat
Lots of fun, thank you very much!
on 22. September 2023, 20:04 by Chilly
Super nice! I always enjoy modifier puzzles, and this was a lovely and approachable one.
on 22. September 2023, 17:41 by EmpyClaw
This is my first attempt at a doubler puzzle, and I was worried that there would be too many possibilities, but oh my goodness what a delight this was. Thank you!
on 22. September 2023, 17:08 by McParland57
In before the Pieman!
Nice puzzle SandraNala
on 22. September 2023, 16:34 by OGRussHood
My own dogs, Max and Peaches, appreciate this series.
on 22. September 2023, 15:15 by Ragna
I love your Nala puzzles! :-))
on 22. September 2023, 14:38 by Myxo
I didn't think it was possible to make a doubler puzzle this approachable and fun at the same time! Well done.
Difficulty: | ![]() |
Rating: | 94 % |
Solved: | 525 times |
Observed: | 12 times |
ID: | 000F9C |