Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Whisper Me A Clue

(Published on 21. September 2023, 11:17 by I_love_carrie273)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits along a stalk of an arrow must sum up to the number inside the bulb of an arrow. If a bulb occupies two cells it should be read as a two digit number, not summarised.

The numbers inside one-coloured arrow bulbs, when multiplied together, give a number which is displayed from left to right in a cage of the same colour.

The green lines are German Whisper lines, meaning the adjacent digits on the line must differ by at least 5. Each green line provides a clue: the digits on it sum up to the total of a cage. It's the solver's job to determine which line corresponds to which cage.

The grey line is a palindromic line, meaning its sequence of digits must read the same forwards and backwards.

Digits may repeat on the German Whisper lines and on the palindromic line.

Solve online: F-Puzzles | CtC

Comments are very appreciated. Ich verstehe Deutsch gut genug um die Diskussion auf Deutsch zu lesen.

Solution code: Row 5 followed by column 8 (18 digits)

Last changed on on 21. September 2023, 15:51

Solved by Iluvsodah, lmdemasi, Megalobrainiac, Ragna, Jester, pms_headache, lwhjp, SKORP17, oshitada, Felis_Timon, jalebc, PippoForte, DiMono
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on 21. September 2023, 15:51 by I_love_carrie273
Fixed f-puzzle link

Last changed on 21. September 2023, 15:53

on 21. September 2023, 15:35 by SKORP17
Der f-puzzles Link verweist auf ein anderes Rätsel (The Four Horseman)

Danke :-) Ich habe es korrigiert.

on 21. September 2023, 15:19 by I_love_carrie273
Danke, Ragna :-)
Ich weiß nicht ob ich #2 machen werde. Ich habe schon ein Puzzle mit Primzahlen gemacht: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000E87

Ich versuche neue Regeln zu Erfinden aber vielleicht werde ich manche wiederholen :-)

on 21. September 2023, 15:02 by Ragna
Wow! Das hat Spaß gemacht. (Trotz vier Zettel...) Tolle Kombination aus Mathe und Sudoku-Logik. Sehr trickreich und sehr schön flüssig zu lösen. Dankeschön :-))
Gibt es ein #2 ?

Solved:13 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Math knowledge

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