Learn the Alphabet: X is for X-Sums
(Published on 18. September 2023, 18:00 by Crusader175)
My idea for this series is to make 26 puzzles with different constraint that start with each alphabet (A-Z).
Normal sudoku rules apply. A clue outside the grid gives the sum of the first X digits of that row or column from the direction of the clue, where X is the digit placed in the cell next to the clue.
Puzzle Link:
SudokuPad (with solution check)
Previous Puzzle:
Learn the Alphabet Series
My youtube channel on solving sudoku: Crusader Puzzle
Solution code: Row 5 Column 5
Last changed on -
Solved by Niverio, tuturitu, SKORP17, Greg, kporadzinski, Uhu, Steven R, upsetcorrection, CrippledLamp, DanishDynamite, Florian Wortmann, rictech, kroutu, salientropy, Xalothros, dennischen, Viola canadensis, ... Julianl, Illuminated, AnnaTh, ManuH, misko, DetroitPiston, AParliamentofOwls, sandmoppe, marsigel, asii, radium, han233ing, zrbakhtiar, PippoForte, farodin64, doomedmageknight, Woody03130, MineLenny
Last changed on 19. September 2023, 05:55on 18. September 2023, 20:26 by rictech
Very nice “classic” X-Sums, with some cool break in logic. A good refreshing take. Thanks!
Reply: Thank you very much rictech!