Build Your Own Killer: Master Designer 2
(Published on 18. September 2023, 00:00 by Playmaker6174)
As said before, here's another BYOK edition of mine that follows directly after the previous
Master Designer one, and this one pretty much uses the same exact rule set as in that puzzle.
This one may not work as strong as the previous one but personally, I did have a fun time analyzing the first half of the solve. I hope you find some of the ideas cool in here!
- Normal Sudoku rules apply: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.
- Every caged cell with a clue is used to construct a 'real' killer cage - an orthogonally connected area of cells that is
one cell wide. Every cage must contain exactly one clue, and
the size number of a cage must be written into its corresponding clued cell.
(for the sake of this part, a clue cell is not necessary in the top left of its respective cage)
IMPORTANT: Cages don't branch and also don't overlap with each other. No 2x2 area within the grid can entirely contain caged cells.
+ Within a cage, digits don't repeat and they sum to the clue written in that cage (if given). A ">X" clue means that the sum is bigger than X, while a "<X" clue means that the sum is smaller than X.
- A cell that contains an arrow
doesn't belong to any cage, and its digit shows how many cells away between it and the
FIRST caged cell found on the arrow's direction.
For the case of a cell containing multiple arrows, each arrow is treated separately.
Below is a 6x6 example that can be solved in
F-puzzle link -
Penpa plus -
The main 9x9 puzzle:
F-puzzle link -
Penpa plus -
Good luck and have fun solving!
Solution code: Enter the digits that ARE NOT caged cells in row 1 and row 2, from left to right for each row
Solved by Calvinball, Tom-dz, gynu, coreng, cdwg2000, tuturitu, Elliott810, Steven R, Paletron, bansalsaab, SparkNights, Snookerfan, Piatato, zuzanina, lerroyy, halakani, Agent, Kallor, Hazem-77, Jaekpuzzle, ... Christounet, madhupt, AvonD, gigglingCaduceus, meixia, Jesper, Counterfeitly, Aswen, Soup is Good, Statistica, Bankey, Vebby, Silverstep, h5663454, QuiltyAsCharged, Sewerin, PippoForte, Niverio
on 28. December 2023, 11:52 by Silverstep
Not as great as Master Designer 1, but still a fun time. Somewhere in 3 stars I think
on 10. October 2023, 13:40 by Bankey
Addictive fun variant. Thanks, @Playmaker6174:).
on 22. September 2023, 19:53 by Aswen
Wow. I haven't done that many puzzles lately, but I haven't had that much fun solving a puzzle in a while. Great job and a fantastic ruleset.
on 19. September 2023, 20:35 by Christounet
Super fun puzzle with great interactions all over ! Thanks :)
on 19. September 2023, 12:31 by Playmaker6174
Thanks y'all for the lovely feedback! I'm really happy to hear all of the enjoyment :)
on 19. September 2023, 05:34 by wenchang
VERY NICE! Spoiler alert!
on 18. September 2023, 23:53 by Agent
Very nice puzzle, great design!
on 18. September 2023, 21:57 by lerroyy
Very nice!
on 18. September 2023, 16:41 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle, great interactions all the way through. :)
on 18. September 2023, 16:36 by Snookerfan
Very nice! Thank you
Last changed on 18. September 2023, 15:29on 18. September 2023, 14:38 by SparkNights
Hello? Is it regarded as 'branch' that at least 2 cells are orthogonally linked to clued cells? (e.g. A-B-C-D-E if B is the clued cell)
Hi there. Branch can be understood as a T shaped tetromino, and in this puzzle no cage can form such shape.
on 18. September 2023, 14:24 by bansalsaab
Very nice till the end.
on 18. September 2023, 13:54 by Steven R
A lot of fun, thanks!
on 18. September 2023, 09:14 by coreng
Fun solve. Love the break in. Took me a good while to find it
on 18. September 2023, 01:04 by Calvinball
Lots of cool ideas to be found in this one. Thanks Playmaker, this is becoming one of my favorite series on here.